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Loaf's Support Application


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Steam Name: [GL] Loaf

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:196808892

What is your staff rank in Gaminglight? Admin.

How often are you on TeamSpeak? Daily in most cases.

How often do you use discord? Many times a day.

Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)? I want to join the Support Team because I want to progress further into the staff team and help members of the community even more than I am already capable of. I have seen the Support Staff Team at work and aspire to be able to help members on that level, to be able to give assistance not only in the servers as I already do, but to be able to help outside of them in Discord and Teamspeak. Without Support staff I would not be here in both my staff and RP ranks, I want to repay the favor and contribute to the Support team and give back to the community all it has given me. I was once brand new to the community, and Support staff helped and guided me and if it were not for this, I would not be writing this application, probably not even on the staff team or even on the server at all. The Support Team is a very trusted and prestigious branch of staffing and being in the support team would not only help me on my journey through the general staff team but also add enjoyment to it along the way.

How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I could positively impact the support team in the following ways: I have been with the community for quite a while, and as a positive consequence of that I know the ins and outs of the server and this greatly benefits my ability to help players. I am currently a Foreman of  the Maintenance branch (One rank below High Command, a Colonel for perspective) which oversees all other command of the branch. This has given me extensive experience in managing and answering questions, and also minor experience in Teamspeak administration such as giving talk power, which I acknowledge is very small compared to the abilities you are required to know how to use in Support work, however I expect I would be trained in said abilities if this application were to be accepted, making the lack of knowledge of TS abilities insignificant.

How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? This can vary greatly depending on the context of what issue they have, so I will answer with a base response I would adjust to fit the issue, or one I would use when their issue is not immediately apparent. I would greet them with, "Hello, what can I help you with today?"

Former Ranks      Head Of Maintenance And Engineering                Senior Admin          Support Supervisor        Forum Diplomat        

Custom Classes     The Sniper (Owner)        XG56-Orion's Belt (Owner)        The Engineer        

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