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SCP-1879 Incident Log 8B.


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Name: Keagan Kanarious Cornwall

Rank: Senior Researcher

Clearance Level: 3

Date of Incident: 6/21/2021

Describe the incident: SCP-1879 manifested in Site-50 out of the blue, I bought a product causing him to demanifest. Others tried to deal with him by sedating him and questioning him. These didn't go well. The transactions were very vague in a sense of the people trying to catch SCP-1879 had little to no success upon trying to move him out of the room, ignoring my plea. 

List classes of SCP(s) involved: SCP-1879.

Immediate complications due to the incident: Foundation personnel kept trying to find ways of dealing with said threat on their own, I insisted on calling the Site Manager and or any High command at the time. The object kept manifesting, demanifesting to other areas only because of the way some personnel attempted to handle the supposed issue.

Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): 4 and or 5 confirmed dead personnel due to this incident. 

Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): 

ACM Zack

EXPR Moncher (there basically the whole time)

Agent Nova

RS Winterfrost

RM Jummy (Deceased)

RM Moonrose

Resolution towards incident: There was no true resolution to this incident, only SCP-1879 demanifesting from the site completely and or getting a D Class to buy his items would've been a good solution, if D block were available. 

How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?:


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