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SCP 096 Un-Human Subjects Test Log

mt. moncher

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Lore Name: Moncher

Rank:Experienced Researcher 

SCP:    096


Question / Idea:    Considering that SCP-096 is aggressive towards viewers of his face, what would happen if non-human subjects viewed his face. The objects I am curious about for this test are, a mirror, a common rat, and an electronic unit without sapience, such as a camera or a computer. 

Background Research:    SCP-096 Item #: SCP-096: SCP-096 is an abnormally tall mostly docile SCP object, SCP-096 is shown not to be hostile unless his face is viewed, when viewed SCP-096 will cover its face and scream cry and babble for 1-2 minutes, after this period SCP-096 will immediately break through anything in its path and run directly for the viewer of its face now known as SCP-096-1. There is no possible way currently known to prevent SCP-096 from breaching if someone views its face, because of this Mobile Task Forces should make destroying known videos and photos of SCP-096’s face a top priority. 

Hypothesis:    SCP-096 will be confused by viewing its own face but non-hostile, and be hostile to anything that views its face during the test. I believe SCP-096 will not get hostile towards itself because SCP-096 has likely viewed its own face several times, in the wild there are hundreds of reflective surfaces, and SCP-096 lived in an area that was extremely cold meaning there was likely plenty of reflective ice. I believe SCP-096 will attack animals because there is no reason to believe the limit of SCP-096’s abilities is sapience and I do believe it will attack much more than just sapient objects.

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-096 was remarkably docile when the D-Class first entered the cell for testing, the D-Class was easily able to place down the common rat, of course the D-Class was blindfolded, I guess you never get used to SCP-096’s docility when not enraged by an SCP-096-1. 

The D-Class was able to quickly place down the rat and leave without viewing SCP-096’s face, after leaving, pressure sensors indicate SCP-096 entered an enraged state, pressure sensors indicate that SCP-096 was in the enraged state for approximately █ minutes, afterwards SCP-096 quickly ████ the rat in several places, SCP-096 then began to pace the east wall, pressure sensors indicate that the rat had been ██.█% destroyed with all that remains being █ bones from the rat’s rib cage.

The D-Class moved in and placed the mirror on the ground, SCP-096 was blocking the northern exit, so he moved to the eastern exit and was removed. SCP-096 showed to be in an enraged state by the time the D-Class left the room, laser sensors indicate 096’s enrage state latest approximately ██ minutes, 096 was extremely angry, the screams could be heard from approximately 100 feet away. Later developed laser sensor polygon footage indicates SCP-096 punched the mirror into little fragments, then destroyed every fragment until all that remained was dust from the glass that made up the mirror. After that SCP-096 screamed extremely loudly, roughly heard from 200 yards away at ███ decibels, nearly at lethal level. After the scream 096 sat down in a corner and began to cry.

The D-Class entered the room and set down the computer, after that he turned on the computer, and the webcam. SCP-096 continued to sit in the corner for ██ minutes, then stood up, walked to the computer, and walked away. SCP-096 did not care about the computer, the computer was retrieved and destroyed later, after the test.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli (N/A if unable/none): Due to the nature of this test no pictures were taken.


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The rodent test's reason is very obvious. Like I predicted, sapience is not the bounds of SCP-096. SCP-096 had a normal reaction, well normal for 096, to the rodent. The aftermath of the rodent was gruesome, but in the end I find no reason to pursue tests in this field with SCP-096.

The mirror test was interesting however, SCP-096’s reaction to the mirror was unlike anything I have ever seen or heard that monster do. SCP-096 usually takes a very, gruesome attack method, characterized by large amounts of ripping and tearing, but SCP-096 just punched the mirror. While the punch was brutal enough to easily kill a human, that's not SCP-096’s usual attack pattern. SCP-096 should be kept away from reflective materials, I fear if he gets overwhelmed by them, the scream that was ███ decibels could hit upwards of ████ decibels. I believe due to the dangers a test like this could cause, it should not be repeated, or expanded upon. 

SCP-096, did not appear to have a reaction to a truly inanimate object viewing him. It makes me curious, is SCP-096’s trigger eyes, or is it sentience? I am now working on a new test that would push the bounds of these results further than they went here. I do in the end believe more tests should be had with truly inanimate objects and 096.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:    In the end, I do not find my hypothesis correct. I do not find my hypothesis correct because of the results of the second test. I just could not anticipate the scream no matter what hypothesis I could have created. However saying this I do admit I was correct with the first test hypothesis, and I did not have a hypothesis for the third test.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am truly sorry about the wait had some issues, but I'm back.

Great Formatting- Looks very clean.
The lengthiness is in my opinion great - It gives out a story feel to it.
Observations - On point described every nice detail.
SCP-096 attacking the rat would happen considering that the rat is a living object
SCP-096 doing nothing to the camera would be logical since its not a living object nor anything is reflected.

SCP-096 attacking the mirror is neutral since the mirror tests all this time always gives questions on what would actually happen.



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