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Lore Name: Lozenda
Rank: AR
Question / Idea: does  amphetamine have an effect? what has an effect? (getting samples of left overs )
Background Research:

Amphetamine[note 2] (contracted from alpha-methylphenethylamine) is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), narcolepsy, and obesity. Amphetamine was discovered in 1887 and exists as two enantiomers:[note 3] levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Amphetamine properly refers to a specific chemical, the racemic free base, which is equal parts of the two enantiomers, levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine, in their pure amine forms. The term is frequently used informally to refer to any combination of the enantiomers, or to either of them alone. Historically, it has been used to treat nasal congestion and depression. Amphetamine is also used as an athletic performance enhancer and cognitive enhancer, and recreationally as an aphrodisiac and euphoriant. It is a prescription drug in many countries, and unauthorized possession and distribution of amphetamine are often tightly controlled due to the significant health risks associated with recreational use.[sources 1]

CP-008 is a complex prion, samples of which are stored in each of the known G2 sites. Research into SCP-008 is highly classified and primarily aimed at preventing research which may lead to the synthesis of SCP-008 in the distant future. Traits of the SCP-008 prion include:

100% infectiousness.
100% lethality.
Transmission through exposed mucous membranes and all bodily fluids.
Not airborne or waterborne.
Symptoms of infection with SCP-008 manifest no more than three hours after exposure, and include:

Flu-like symptoms with high fever, plus severe dementia in later stages.
Coma onset approximately 20 hours after first symptoms appear and 12 hours after noticeable dementia. Coma onset will be considered onset of death.
A period of sporadic cellular necrosis occurs which comes to resemble gangrene. Surviving tissue assumes its original function and is highly resilient.
Red blood cells greatly increase oxygen storage capacity, resulting in slower blood flow and increased muscle endurance and strength.
Nervous and muscular systems are unaffected by total organ failure for several hours.
Metabolism may decrease to extremely low levels, allowing subject to survive for over 10 years without nutrition.
High blood viscosity results in negligible blood flow from gunshot, puncture, and slashing injuries.
Conditioned behavior, motor controls, and instinctive behavioral mechanisms are damaged, and cognitive abilities are severely retarded and erratic. Animals experience excessive brain necrosis and are inactive.
Subject can adapt to its damaged nervous systems but is limited to basic physical activities, including standing up, balancing on two legs, walking, biting, grabbing, and crawling. Subject will energetically move towards sights, sounds, and smells it associates with living humans. Subject will attempt to ingest living humans if physical contact is made.
Neutralizing fully-infected subjects requires significant cranial trauma.
There is strong evidence to suggest SCP-008 itself did not form naturally on Earth, since variants of similar complexity would have displaced much of the ecosystem. In 1959, a short collaborative effort with the USSR to locate G2 sites and eliminate SCP-008 was negotiated following their discovery. The status of SCP-008 in Russian custody since collaboration ended is unknown.

Hypothesis: my Hypothesis is that the Amphetamine will have some effect but not much and that the flesh will have more info about what we will need.

Observations (What Happened During Test):
d-class takes Amphetamine
d-class gets ejected with scp-008
 rolls a 76 major residence to scp-008
d-class turns
d-class tremated
gets skin sample

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:
rolls a 76 major residence to scp-008 (Amphetamine)
Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):
my Conclusion is that Amphetamine has a strong effect of scp-008 but does not cure it.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No

authorized by: Research Administrator Mitchell

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