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SCP-513 Test Log

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team members:Lozenda,Tony Cherpakha,professor Xavier
team ranks:AR,JR

Question / Idea: is the sound frequency causing the anxiety 
Background Research:

Any noise produced by SCP-513 immediately induces strong anxiety in all sentient beings who hear it, regardless of their previous mental status. Exposure victims report feelings of being watched by an unseen entity and present elevated heart rates and blood pressure. Roughly one hour after exposure, exposure victims begin to catch glimpses of SCP-513-1 when opening doors, walking past mirrors, turning their heads, or performing any other actions that result in a sudden change in visual perception. Upon being sighted, SCP-513-1 reportedly turns away and runs out of view before disappearing without a trace. Questioning of bystanders indicates that SCP-513-1 is invisible to those who have not been exposed to SCP-513.
he sound that is produced for SCP-513 is the cause of anxiety but not the cause of sightings or appearance of SCP-513-1. The appearance of SCP-513-1 is cause by the  physical action of the bell being rung. 

Observations (What Happened During Test):D-Class rang SCP-513 and had a frequency of 9. The sound seemed to have no effect but the resulting D-Class was terminated shortly after from what is assumed to be SCP-513-1  D-Class rang SCP-513 and had a frequency of 93. The resulting D-class showed signs of seeing SCP-513-1 but survived after the experience. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:
20hz adrenaline of 5
9hz Death
19hz  adrenaline of 10

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-513 seems to react differently to higher or lower sound frequencies. While a low frequency is to result in a higher chance of death in the subject, a higher frequency results in a lower chance of death in the subject.

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