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Cardigan's RAS Application

Cardigan Backyardigan

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Name: Cardigan

Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:460155398

Current Rank: Lead Researcher


Time in research: 2 Months 1 Week


Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement): I believe that I should be chosen for Research Command for various reasons. To start off, I would like to explain my 3 week absence from the branch prior to this week. For the first week, I was out of town. Second week security Warrant Officer applications opened and I really wanted to get accepted for that. Lastly, the third week I got Warrant Officer and I had to be really active there to show why I deserved to be moved up. The first reason I should be picked for command is my activity. Now I am available from 10AM-2PM, however that does not mean I am actively on SCP-RP that entire time. I play other games, have stuff to do in real life, I’m Head Admin on a different community, and I have to spread my time between GenSec and Research. I do cover a large portion where you don’t commonly see Command online. My next reason is my experience. I have been in this branch for 2-3 months now, I have a great understanding of the SOP and I know what we can and can’t do. There have been occasions where I have seen lower ranking research personnel doing stuff that they aren’t supposed to be doing, and I always inform them what they are doing wrong and that they should fix it. Now it’s up to them to listen to what I tell them or not, because I don’t have the ability to punish those who don’t, but the point is I try my best to keep everyone out of trouble and in control. I also have experience hosting a Mass Test, and I will continue to host them an absolute minimum of once a week, but I am always available for more. I already have experience being in command. I am a 2LT in GenSec, and I have proven that I know how to command those below me and keep everything under control. I don’t just promote everybody that is on the job, especially if they are a higher ranking. I promote people based on performance, not just activity, but obviously activity has to come before the performance. When commanding, I am very nice about everything; when somebody is doing something they shouldn’t I don’t just yell at them. I tell them what they are doing wrong and usually the problem is solved, but in the event that they don’t listen, I can be strict and deal with the situation. I often host/co-host PT’s and those are always a blast. Every time we do a PT there is always more activity within the branch, I would love to be able to do this for Research. I feel like being in GenSec command can actually help me with Research command, and here is why. A big part of Research is to get escorts and class d from d-block, and occasionally researchers just come into d-block and start minging around. Or sometimes they don’t listen to us when we say there is not enough for an escort and they just stay in there standing in the way. When this happens, I could just simply flag onto Research Command and deal with the situation accordingly. In a way I would be an undercover spy to the researchers. My last reason is my love for this branch. Personally I think that research is the hardest branch because it requires creativity and quite a bit of thinking for a good test idea. Often you see a lot of new players that don’t have the greatest idea of the branch and they don’t know how to go about tests, or come up with a test idea. I can use my knowledge of the branch to help those who are in need of it and overall keep people wanting to stay in the branch because once you know what you are doing, research is super fun. I have been a Lead Researcher for over a month now, and I would love to be moved up to Junior Command.


What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement): One very key thing that I bring that others don’t have is my command experience. I am currently a 2LT in security, and I have proven to everyone that I am very active as a command member and that I can keep everyone under control. I know how to tell if someone deserves a promotion, I don’t just hand them out to everyone. I also have experience demoting people that couldn’t handle their job. Another thing that I bring is morning and late activity. I have a lot more late activity than I do morning, but I still cover a large portion early on where you don’t often see command online. The time that I normally cover is 10AM - 2PM. Now obviously I'm not active on SCP-RP the whole entire time. I play other games and have stuff to do during the day, but I still am a whole lot during that time.


What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement): I am always available for a mass test, and it has been proven that mass tests always bring more activity within the branch. I have some ideas on some out of the ordinary events that could be done. One of my ideas is to do a research PT every once in a while. I have experience hosting PTs in security, and it seems like everyone has a ton of fun when I do. If we continue to do fun events this can cause more players to want to get on more frequently. Another idea I have in mind is doing more competitions. I have a lot of money, so cash prizes are always ready to be given out. One competition that I have been thinking of is an activity log competition. Now this could be quantity or quality based, I would have to think more into that, but this could bring a lot of activity because everyone would want to earn some free money (maybe we could even throw in a guaranteed promo in there.) I feel like these events that I have in mind would persuade more people to join our branch and flag up to have some fun.

SCP-RP: CI 2LT | SEC 2LT | Lumberjack Union Chief Logging Operator, S4 Avium SL1 | Retired Research Supervisor | Retired CI 2LT, 1LT | 2x Former SEC 1LT, Retired CPT Former WC Nemesis | Former Nu7 HFTO MAJ/A3 Tesla | Retired Admin

CCs: MTF Rev 26 'Vigilant Hero' | Vonzen Plushie | STARS | D-9177 'The Pill' | CI TF2 Heavy

Achievements: Staff Of The Month | 11x Staff Of The Week

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Middling Support, leaning towards +

You have experience commanding before.

It seems that you care for this branch.

I just don't see you on that much.

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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Whilst Cardigan was absent for a semi-decent period, The times he was around, he did great from what I saw, I wouldn't mind seeing Cardigan move up to RAS.

Edited by Mitchell Hugh

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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