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research Junior command application


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SteamID: STEAM_0:1:526774226
Current Rank: LR

Time in Research (Estimate):  1to 1 1/2 months 

Why do you believe you should be in Research Command?(100 word requirement):  why should I be in Research Command, I should be research command because I am active I try my best to make everyone in Research have a good time in-game and in TS. I try to keep the flow of research well I try to help Junior researchers be active and follow the MOTD and the SOP  and if they do not follow these rules I will strike them if there is no CMD job I do my job as fast as I can, this also goes with trainees to. even if out of my rank I will help if any enlisted need it.

What can you bring to the table that others can't? (100 word requirement):What can I bring to the table that others can't is I am very active if I get research command I will be even more active and I try my hardest and I take ideas from other peoples opinions, I try to grow on that I understand that everyone has their opinions and I accept that and I bring my voice when it is needed to stop two researchers from fighting host mass test and striking people if needed. I try to give everyone a second try at research, but if someone is harming my research and they are on research I will strike with no hesitation.

What would you do to better Research and increase activity? (100 word requirement):  What would I do to better Research and increase activity. I would use a flag up ping but with that, I will add 1000$  to a pill until the end of the day I will use a wheel to see who win that much money (note: they have to be on for an hour to count for the prize so the longer your on more chance you have for the money) I can do this every every other day , then I will have a 1k bonus to the best discord test log, and of course talking with every to see what SCP i should do mass tests on

Edited by checkedsauce7

goto go fast


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 -Very active 

-has done many mass tests and has done many command related things.

-I like the support on test logs 

-Has done a few things in the past 

-A little Immature for command at moments 

-overall I think he would be good command If given the motivation 


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 Former Research Manager| EXP medic |MTF E11 CPL FartDaddy37
AKA The guy who stole Rektifys rank

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On 6/18/2021 at 3:55 AM, ceese said:


 -Very active 

-has done many mass tests and has done many command related things.

-I like the support on test logs 

-Has done a few things in the past 

-A little Immature for command at moments 

-overall I think he would be good command If given the motivation 



Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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On 6/18/2021 at 2:55 AM, ceese said:


 -Very active 

-has done many mass tests and has done many command related things.

-I like the support on test logs 

-Has done a few things in the past 

-A little Immature for command at moments 

-overall I think he would be good command If given the motivation 


Yea even with the reasons stated above i would go with a overall +Support.

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-Major Support
Yeah while checked is active and all, The cons heavily out weigh the pros here, Not gonna go listing the reasons why as it would only start an argument, But overall: -Support

Edited by Mitchell Hugh

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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Due to current circumstance, your recent behavior or another unstated reason, your application has been denied.

Founder of Aperture Science | Retired Head of Research | Retired Event Team Leader | Current Metal Head
Secure. Contain. Protect.

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