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SCP-096 and SCP-009


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Name: Bear
Rank: EXP
SCP: 096 and 009

Question / Idea: Can 009 terminate 096?
Background Research: SCP-096 is a humanoid creature measuring approximately 2.38 meters in height. Subject shows very little muscle mass, with preliminary analysis of body mass suggesting mild malnutrition. Arms are grossly out of proportion with the rest of the subject's body, with an approximate length of 1.5 meters each. Skin is mostly devoid of pigmentation, with no sign of any body hair.
SCP-009 is approximately ███ liters of a substance which superficially resembles distilled water (H2O), except with a distinct bright red hue. This red hue is discernible in all phases, and serves as the most expedient method of identifying contaminated matter before its anomalous properties manifest. In contrast to mundane water, SCP-009 assumes a liquid phase at temperatures between -100°C and 0°C, and a solid state above those temperatures. At temperatures below -100°C, SCP-009 vaporizes into a gaseous phase similar to steam.
Hypothesis: Since humans can become red ice, and during one of the tests, 999 became red ice. So I wondered if SCP-096 had the same effects.

Observations (What Happened During Test): We instruced SCP-096 to touch the ice, and he did. He slowly became red...till he become an red ice statue. Shooting it 9 or 10 times apperantly breaks it no matter how strong it is.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Image below

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The conclusion of this test was yes, scps can become red ice too.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.


Edited by dababy wannabe

Jobs: CI PVT Bear
CC('s): Isaac Watchthrone


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Grade Score: 70/100
Grade Class: Keter
Overall Feedback: Meets expectations

Notes: Semi-Creative test, Writing was good for the most part but there was a few minor errors and the log it self was just a TAD too short, Formatting is a bit odd and not proper looking with the lines, But this can easily be fixed and improved, There is also a lack of colors which can also be changed, I recommend the use of google docs or google slides in the future for better looking logs, All of the lore seems to check out as there is no issues with them, Overall: Great work, But there is still plenty of room for improvment.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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