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Dr Bill Roseland Ban Appeal- Denied

Dr Bill Roseland

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Steam Name: Karp

Ingame Name: Dr Bill Roseland

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52656135

Ban Length: 2 Days

Admin that Banned you: Jimmy James 1K-02

Reason for Ban: Take a break

Dispute: The staff member was dealing with a police situation when he started physgunning me away from an area no where close to anywhere I had died saying NLR. I tried to approach him once again just to ask why that was considered NLR I was just walking in an area and was physgunned away. He then physgunned me away without a word leading me to more confusion so I walked up once more. (I should have dropped it here but the way back to spawn was towards him anyway) so I walked back towards him.

He then physgunned me once more before placing me into jail for 600 seconds. I tried to explain myself from the jail but he was already typing a ban. The staff member failed to handle the situation properly not hearing any sides of the story and took him upon himself to abuse me before jailing and banning me.

If the staff member was open to my side I'm sure we could have resolved this without this type of extreme escalation on the staff members part but he refused to say anything but the initial "NLR" that was false.

I believe this is a false ban as no real reason was given for my ban and I'm still confused about my NLR due to lack of discussion. The staff member acted improperly and extremely escalated when giving a punishment.


Ban Message:


Edited by Karp

Roseland Family Oyabun

“The world is not beautiful: And that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty.”
― Keiichi Sigsawa, Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World

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You were told multiple times by me to leave and you wouldn't listen. I moved you away as I was trying to deal with a separate staffing issues and you were interrupting. I moved you away with my phys gun so I could try to talk to the person I was trying to punish and then the  PD about the arrest and while I was doing that you were screaming about being moved away and continued to carry on until it escalated to you calling me names and being disrespectful. Due to the name calling, screaming at me and disrespect you were banned. You can come back in two days and maybe have a better attitude.

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