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Ty Helo's Squadron Leader (Officer) Application


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What is your In Game Name? Nexus 

What is your In Current Rank? Warrant Agent (Promoted by Val on 27/05/21)

What is your Agent Name? Ty Helo IF21

How Long Have You Been In Inferno Squad?  1 month and 6 days as of writing this Application.

Why Do You Want To Become An Officer? [150+ Words] I would like to become an officer or squadron leader because during my time spent with inferno squadron I have felt like i have become part of an online family. In this family I don't quite know everyone such as the cadets or enlisted personnel and think this will help me get to know them much better. I would love to become an officer to have more responsibility and help out the battalion as much as possible. This group of people is amazing and i get a smile out of playing with them most days. I would love to hold tryouts and train the enlisted to the best of their abilities and maintain this battalions tough and respected reputation. This will also be a fun adventure to me because i take everything in life as an adventure, I would love to improve peoples lives on this server as much as possible and bring them on an adventure with me on server. If i was to become an officer I would hold fun sims and events so that the troops could enjoy there time on server and not spend it going AFK because nothing is going on through the day.

How could you assist Inferno Squad Command with this rank?  [75+ Words] I could assist command on times that they usually aren't on, because I live in England in Europe I can be on at times when most people on this server aren't. I can then hold tryouts and sims for the troops who are active at the times I'm active in the UK and maintain a varied mix of troops from all over the world. I have past experience with command and can bring a forward thinking and quick minded approach to decisions with the the intent to help out and make the right decisions. I have experience with filling out rosters and documents to make life easier for the higher command. I also have a strict way of thinking and will make sure that there is no minging or messing about in this regiment and make sure that only the best players will stay in this regiment. I am also part of the Inferno Squadron 05 and will teach the troops what is needed to know to be the best of their ability. 

How many strikes do you have? I have no strikes in Inferno Squadron or on server

What Qualifications could you bring to the Inferno Squad Command Team? Previous Command Experience, Filling out rosters, training's, Tryouts, SIM's, I can be serious but have a laugh still, Be here for anyone having IRL issues and make sure that their time playing the server is amazing, Leading a team to make sure targets are neutralised and taken out efficiently and quickly, great ground command and warzone tactics and trategies to save lives and take many more enemies. 

Do you understand that if you are Accepted, you will be on a 2 Week Trial Period?  
(Failing the Trial Period will result in a demotion) Yes I understand.

Edited by NotNexus
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Congratulations on your new rank please speak to a member of command for your whitelist and training.

Last-Senior Commander Iden Versio (First IF SharpShooter Overseer, Last Commander ID10,Team Chestbox Gang)

Founder of the Gaminglight Christian Alliance Ex-Super Admin SawickM/Forum Diplomat/Supportspacer.png

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