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Warn Removal for Winters


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Winter's Warn Appeal

Warning Appeal - Winters


Your In-game Name: Winters

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:215601623

The admin's name in-game: Dark

What warning did you receive: NLRx3 | RDMx2

When did you receive this warning: 5/21/2021

Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: At the time I was on a security job and I had been killing people with my weapon out, I had been killed once and then was reported for NLR, The admin that originally had the ticket (Bluedragon) had closed it as he said he had not enough evidence to convict me of it, 40-45 minutes later I was pulled by Dark who of which had taken over the sit for a no good reason. He had said that he had found proof of such and was going to warn me for NLR, not once was the RDM mentioned in that sit, so we both talked to eachother and worked out the logistics with me, bluedragon, georgie, and of course Dark. Since we could not find enough VALID proof they agreed to drop the sit, and I was told to make an appeal where Dark will give a comment saying he was sorry and that it wasn't valid. We had also tried to get it removed by a Senior Admin but we were notified that no one but the forums could remove it.

Why do you think this warn was false: There was not enough proof to convict  me, staff decided to drop it

Evidence the warning is false: Dark's Testimony

Edited by Auroraa
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- The staff member in question said it was a oops.

[SCP-RP] Retired E-11 COL, HFTO and D4 Head  Former CI MSGT/2LT | Former Alpha-1 "Red-Right Hand" Guardian Delta-9 | Former Nu7 2LT/SM HSU Conscript Former Om-9 2LT and EXP Seasoned

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