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SCP-049 Interview Log-02


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SCP-049 Interview Log-02

Object Class: Euclid

Date: 1/05/2021


Begin Log

LR: "Good Evening Doctor, I am going to be conducting a Standard Interview With you Today."

SCP-049: "Very Well Sir, Proceed."

LR: "Are you Familiar with SCP-008 if so, can you please tell me if SCP-008 has any connection to the pestilence?"

SCP-049: I am aware of this SCP and by my observations it is not linked to the pestilence."

LR: "Very Well."

SCP-106 Containment Procedure 'Femur' is initiated and SCP-049 appears disturbed by the sound.

SCP-049: "What is that horrid sound?"

LR: "That is the 'Femur Breaker' It is used to re-contain SCP-106."

SCP-049: "I am Not Aware of this creature, It could have the pestilence."

LR: "A Interesting Theory Doctor, We will try and let you inspect him from afar."


LR: I have a question about a Third Party Organisation I believe you have come into contact with, The Chaos Insurgency."

SCP-049: "The Name sounds familiar."

A Picture of a CI Enlisted is put on the interview table.

SCP-049: "ah yes they have broken in here on several occasions."

LR: "do you have any information on them you heard while in their custody?"

SCP-049: "No, They don't talk much."

LR: "Very Well Doctor, Thank you for your cooperation."


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Grade Score: 50/100
Grade Class: Euclid
Overall Feedback: Below expectations.
Notes: Nothing creative in particular, Just a standard interview, There is a pretty big lack of formatting here, I understand it's a interview, But there is still a lot you could have added on to make this log seem more appealing, There is also some writing issues in terms of grammar and not finishing off certain sections with ", No apparent issues with the lore here from what I see.

For future improvement, I recommend making a bigger and more detailed format for interviews, Along with writing your test log in google docs and adding colors and background colors and maybe even some pictures, I also recommend spell checking your test logs before submitting them to ensure there is not any writing errors.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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