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682-009 Termination Test


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                                                                        Level 3 clearance required



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Object Class: Keter.....Euclid

Object Number: 682......009

Researcher(s) Present: Lead Researcher Rachel Corbin

Guard(s) Present: Nu-7 SGT [REDACTED], Nu-7 PVT [REDACTED], and NU-7 CPL [REDACTED]

Begin Log:

Object: 682
Nick name: Hard to Kill Reptile
Class: Keter

682 is a large reptile that is bent on killing every human it sees, he's intelligent, strong, deadly, and unkillable. This SCP has fought against 096 and survived, only getting stronger from it. This SCP has fought 173 and grew multiple extra eyes to counteract this. It even has made allies with SCP-079.

Object: 009
Nick Name: Red ice
Class: Euclid


009 is a collection of ice that appears blood red in color. Touching the ice is deadly due to it spreading across the body encasing the person who touched it soon after, slowly and painfully turning them into ice, having the same properties as the original.

Test Idea: Can 009 finally rid the foundation of 682
Type of test: Termination
Test Log:
Lead Researcher Rachel Corbin enters the chamber with her escorts, a container in her hands can be seen, without saying a word she turns turns on the microphone on 682's chambers

RC: "Hello 682"
682: "What the fuck do you want?"
RC: "just some quick testing, is that alright with you?"
682: "Fuck off"

Without saying a word Rachel turns off the microphone, and drains the acid, after a few moments one of the escorts in a hazmat suit takes 009 out of the container and throws it into 682s pit, the object hitting its tail. 682 roars loudly and starts cursing them out as his tail slowly turns red and the red mark spreads to the neck but stops, it becomes ice with the properties but strangly enough implodes soon after. 682 continues to roar showing he's alive, 682 lets out some unknown gases, melting the ice in his containment chamber, turning it into red water. This water has no anomalous properties. After three days 682's body fully regenerates despite the acid being turned back on after an hour. as soon at 682's body was fully restored the acid started to work again but not to the same amount as before. Higher potency recommended.

Edited by RedKnight
was trying to add color but the option is broken for me
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So the color break when you try to edit the post after you posted it, so if you want to color your text you have to do it prior to posting it. Also I'd recommend using google docs. There's a ton of interesting formats you can use to make a test log on there. Thirdly this is an awesome test log idea!

|| Former Research Assistant Manager || 

|| Former Gensec 1LT || / || Former Gensec PWD ||

|| Former Maintenance Manager || / || Former Containment Specialist Manager ||

|| Former MTF D5 SSGT || / || Former G9 Draugr G5 ||

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Score 7/10

+ The format is nice.

+ Background research is clear. Someone who doesn't know about these SCPs could know what they are by reading this.

+ Observation was great and I could clearly picture how the test went.

- Rather short but considering the test I understand why it was short.

- Minor grammar mistakes.

- As Wagner said, I would recommend using google docs for your test logs or at least add some color to break up the text.

- No pictures or videos.


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20 minutes ago, recon said:

Score 7/10

+ The format is nice.

+ Background research is clear. Someone who doesn't know about these SCPs could know what they are by reading this.

+ Observation was great and I could clearly picture how the test went.

- Rather short but considering the test I understand why it was short.

- Minor grammar mistakes.

- As Wagner said, I would recommend using google docs for your test logs or at least add some color to break up the text.

- No pictures or videos.


Thank you for this, sadly the color, fonts, and high lightings were not working for me and no matter how hard I tried they wouldn't work, I wasn't able to get pictures or video's due to 009 being disabled so I just went with what I thought would happen in lore. I still thank you for this 


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