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New Battalion or Sub-Battalion [Denied]


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This battalion could be a multipurpose battalion but it could be a sub-battalion of a current one. But in events we dont search the map extensively. So my idea was that we could create a (most likely gonna be a sub-battalion) that one of their main purposes is to be able to do a extensive search. It would be best to give it to shock because they are already the "TSA" of the ISD. If anyone viewing this has any ideas feel free to reply with them to help with this to make it more likely to happen, because it is a realistically possible thing to achieve for the server. Thank you to anyone who replies or admins who are able to make this happen, for reading this.

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If you're going to make a suggestion, I'd recommend following the format as you have suggested pretty much nothing.

Retired General | Resigned Assistant Head-Gamemaster & ImperialRP Super Admin 

GM of the month February 2021 / Staff of the month March 2021

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