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SCP-294 "SCP 106 Drink" Test log


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Lore Name: Dizzle
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: SCP-294

Question / Idea: Can you survive the "SCP 106" drink from SCP-294

Background Research: SCP-294 appears to be a standard coffee vending machine, the only noticeable difference being an entry touchpad with buttons corresponding to an English QWERTY keyboard. Upon depositing fifty cents US currency into the coin slot, the user is prompted to enter the name of any liquid using the touchpad. Upon doing so, a standard 12-ounce paper drinking cup is placed and the liquid indicated is poured.

Hypothesis: You can not survive it under any circumstances, it's a corroding substance.

Observations (What Happened During Test): The first subject has entered the containment chamber of SCP-294 and was given a cup of "SCP 106" after drinking, the subject died seconds after. The second subject was instructed to drink a cup of "SCP 106", the subject drank the cup, and there were no noticeable changes, the subject said the drink was "refreshing" and "tasted just like a fresh coke". The D-Class was restrained into a room for 2 minutes, to test on the third D-Class. The next subject was instructed to drink the cup and just like the first one, died within seconds. We observed that nothing was happening to the D-Class that survived, we took him into the medical bay. A blood sample was taken from the subject, and it was viewed "pitch black", the doctor took an x-ray of his torso and found his bones were "rigid and partially eaten away". When the doctor examined his heart, it was beating at abnormal speeds, after the D-Class was asked if he was in any pain, he answered "I'm just built different". Upon examination of his organs, the doctor said they were untouched. The D-Class was incinerated because it could be considered a Biohazard. Although it did not seem to be in pain while getting burnt alive.

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:                                                                            

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The D-Class could have been had an unconfirmed case of a disease called "congenital analgesia" or had anomalous effects that made them "immune" to SCP-106's corroding liquid.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: There could be a 1/3 survival chance of drinking "SCP 106" but I'm not sure if it was the D-Class had anomalous effects, the disease, or the drink made them feel nothing. I will do some further testing to confirm this.







  • Gaminglight Love 2
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Sweet log idea and I really enjoyed the storyline ya made! nice log!

|| Former Research Assistant Manager || 

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90/100 Keter
[Log was an idea i've seen before
[But the way it was done was unlike anything 
i seen before]
[Pictures big plus]
[Log was pretty log but fun to read]

[Basic format kinda gets old, try using Goggle docs if you got spare time]



 Former RESEARCH Manager Zack Morden 

Change is a good thing

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