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Cross Test SCP-008-1 & SCP-049-2

Andre Ventura

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Name: Kadha

Rank: Senior Researcher

Escort: RIG

Who else? 2 D-Classes

Clearance Level: 3




SCP 049-2 & SCP-008-1 Cross Test






In one side SCP-008-1, nothing but an uncontrolled rotting person, with all his flesh exposed and covered in blood that will aggressively attack anything that is in front of him, (also known as a zombie), this particularly happens when someone enters in contact with SCP-008, a complex prion capable of completely of infecting and killing all the living beings in the facility, if not handled with caution.

On the other side SCP-049-2, similar appearance to SCP-008-2, but this infection does not come from a prion, but a humanoid that looks like a Plague Doctor.

We will not enter in many details about SCP-049, but the most relevant differences between SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-1, is that SCP-049-2 follows direct orders from his "creator", and SCP-049-2 has a much-limited time of life, when compared to             SCP-008-1.




The purpose of this test was quite simple, observing the interaction between SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-1, when both placed in considerably small room, SCP-049 Containment Chamber. 

There was a problem that I personally could not figure how to solve.... Since SCP-049-2 follows direct orders from SCP-049 how could the test have no interference from SCP-049? 

Basically, I said to SCP-049 that his "creation" should be as neutral as possible and react how he would think it is right choice to make.

(DISCLAIMER: SCP-049-2 and SCP-008-1, were the result of the contact of both SCP'S with D-Classes, neither the D-Classes showed to have any physical disease or mental health problem, both had the same weight and similar physical characteristics)


It is nice to mention, that before the placing of SCP-008-1 in the CC, SCP-049 and SCP-049-2 were by themselves in the CC.

I asked SCP-049 to stand in the corner of the CC, as soon as I place SCP-008-1 in the Chamber, he goes straight rushing towards SCP-049-2!

Both start attacking each other’s using everything they had, mouth, claws, hands etc.
Apparently SCP-008-1 seemed way slower than SCP-049-2, SCP-49-2 was furiously attacking SCP-008-1 and the longer the fight got, the slower SCP-008-1 got, and the more exposed his interior body was, we could see all the organs, his back was completely devastated, and he had blood all over his body.

There was a final blow that finished SCP-008-1 off, a straight bite to the neck. SCP-008-1 slowly tumbled back and fell to the ground.

There was a moment, that rapidly caught my focus.

SCP-049: Hahahahahaha. (Starts Clapping his hands and celebrates SCP-049-2 win by making compliment to himself)

Me: You seem quite surprised and exited that SCP-049-2 won.

SCP-049: I mean.... both competitors had similar characteristics and size, they seemed quite similar.......

Me: So, are you saying that SCP-008-1 is perfect, like the creature you created, SCP-008-1 is almost at the level of your creations!?

SCP-049 (Quickly changes his voice tone): NO! SCP-049-2 is the perfect ONE. Obviously, he was going to win! No doubt about it!

(MTF unit walks into the cell)

Me: So...


(MTF unit walked into the middle of the test, with what it looks like to be a "box bomb??", as RIG refers to. At first, I did not understand the risk, but I simply just ran away, RIG later told me that it was a bomb disguised as a box.)




I had an objective conclusion about the concept of the test.

First Conclusion: SCP-008-1 is EXTREMLY aggressive and attacks anything he sees with violent blows.

Second Conclusion: SCP-049-2 is way superior than SCP-008-1 in fighting/combat situations.

I still have an insecure conclusion about SCP-049 speech, not sure if he really thinks that his "creation" is perfect, or only says he is perfect due to narcissist consequences, since it is his "creation".


(Disclaimer 2: Box Bomb/MTF part was not fictional at all to put an end to the test, it really happened)



Edited by Andre Ventura
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Very well done. I believe this is your first test log and it is quite a good one to start with. No spelling or grammar errors that i can see. The concept is great and the detail is nice. Overall well done.

Grade: A

Former DHOR Tomato

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