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Incident SCP-3008-1


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Name: ShadowPL

Rank: Associate Researcher

Clearance Level: 3


I  Was on my Way to Item Containment SCPs, but Suddenly in the Corner of my Eye, I Noticed a Double Door, I Knew that I shouldn't have Went Through it, However, My Curiosity got the Best of Me. So I Walked Through the Doors, Which I Regret.

00:24 AM - I Woke up Near some Collapsed Shelf, My head was Hurting, I had no Idea where I was, it was Dark, so obviously I turned my Flashlight on. I Saw a Tall, White Creature in the Distance, I Immediately took Cover behind the Collapsed Shelf, Hoping it was gonna go Away.

00:44 AM - After some Time, I Started looking around for, Supplies maybe, I Didn't know for How long I was Going to be Here, I didn't find any food, nor water. However, I found More People, so at least I Knew that I Wasn't Alone.

01:03: AM - I Tried looking for An Exit, however I noticed That Creature Again, it was Slaughtering a Maintenance Worker, I used That Chance to Get Behind it, and, Somehow, I don't even Know how, I Managed to Handcuff It. 

01:05 AM - The Creature broke out, It started Chasing me, I Ran for my Life, Finally after a Solid 2 Minutes, I lost it, I didn't see, nor hear it anymore. I was Safe, for Now.

01:26 AM - I Climbed on a Shelf with More People, We were Safe up there From that Creature.  

01:30 AM - The Creature Broke the Shelf, 2 People who Were on the Shelf were Slaughtered Immediately by that Thing, god, how much longer will we be Here? 

02:01 AM - This Time, I tried Sticking together with Other People, we tried to Stay as Quiet as we Could, in the Distance, we saw 2 Of these Creatures, god, how much of these Are gonna Be Here? 10?

02:51 AM - I Went away from the Group, I tried Surviving on my Own, which was the best idea I could think of At that Time.

03:02 AM - I don't know Where I went, I couldn't find Anyone, Was I the Last One? God I hope Not.

03:25 AM - I Found Others, I Joined them Back, I don't know Why.

03:54 AM - We did it, I couldn't believe it. We found an Exit. 

Screenshot 2021-03-27 214602.png

Screenshot 2021-03-27 211633.png

Screenshot 2021-03-27 211620.png

Just Realised, I Might've posted it in the Wrong Channel, I'm Sorry if I Did.

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SCP-RP | Maintenance Expert | HLPR Bot bT5 | Senior Researcher | Senior Event Team Member

Custom Classes | Umbrella Corporation Operative


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Score: 8/10


Definitely a very unique log. I haven’t seen a log yet that uses journal entries to portray a story.

The story is good but the ending is kida anticlimactic. The first half of your story is awesome because of the amount of detail you put in. If you put more detail into the second half, it would be way better.

Pictures are also a +.

Multibe capitalisation errors. This can be fixed by throwing your test log into google docs before submitting it.

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