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Name: Vesuvius

Rank: LR

SCP: SCP-049

Test Idea: Interview.





Question One: What was your origins?
A:12th Century Europe in Birmingham. He was trying cure people from the bubonic Plauge. On his way to a small village. A small relic was spoken of to him. They went to the relic even if advised not too. It was a small stone circle. He touched it, and gave him a weird sensation. EDIT: This led to his abilities 

Question Two: What is the "Great Pestilence"?
A:Very vague as always.

Question Three: Have you encountered any other SCP besides SCP-035 in the past?
A:Not any he can recall.

Question Four: Do you feel sympathy for the people you kill?
A: No, he thinks he cured them.

Question Five: What do you know about SCP-001, if you encountered any that is.
A: The Gate Guardian or some other giant sword wielding thing.

Question Six: Are their any other anomalies we don't know about?
A: Strange Stone Circle in the UK.

Question Seven: How do you kill people instantaneously with just a touch?

Question Eight: The clothing seems to be skin, yet you have a human skeleton, how is that?
A:The stone circle is what seems to give SCP-049 this property, however his hands seem to be the only thing that can kill off a person.

Question Nine: How many have you "Cured" before we caught you and are their any left of the SCP-049-2 instances we never found?
A: Thousands of people. Are there any left? No, all gone.

Question Ten: Who was the hooded figure who was caught on video during the SCP-610 exploration log?
A: He says that he did some "Curing" and that I may of been him or someone similar.

Question Eleven: Did you make SCP-610 trying to make a cure?
A: Yes, he admits saying he has other botched experiments running around. 

Question Twelve: What did you and SCP-035 talk about during your brief time spent together in the containment breach?
A: Some interesting notes to compare with each others experiments. They both have immortality. Both objects from the medeval era.

Question Thirteen: What made you realize their was, what you call "The Pestilence?"
A: He was in Spain, woke up and felt an urge to cure. A looming threat that made him angry that no one else could feel or see it. 

Question Fourteen: If ever get out of here, what will you do? Do you live forever or will you eventually die before the end of the universe?
A: He will live as long as their is pestilence, once he cleanses the world, he wishes to die. 

Aftermath: Nothing too interesting other then some more insight in SCP-049s knowledge.


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I love me a good interview log and this one fills the void in my soul. Quality questions and detailed answers. Anything to deepen the lore of 049 is a plus in my book. Well done. 

Grade: B

Reason: this test has been done to death

Former DHOR Tomato

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