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SCP:049 Lavender test


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Name: Moonrose

Rank: LR

Containment/Improvement being used: to see if using lavender prevents O49 from attacking


Background research: The 1st thing I did when I got to my office was open up the SCP:049 Document. After scanning a few pages my eyes stopped to notice a small section stating that lavender gives a calming effect on SCP:049. My eyes focused on that small information that felt like hours, then a thought came to me, would SCP:049 not attack anyone who smells like lavender? I have to know, I need to find out.

Addendum 1:
I stormed out of my office with a determined look on my face, thoughts running through my head as I make my way down to D-block. If this works we would not only have a way of not losing D-class when sending in to do things in SCP:049 Containment cell but when he breathes there could be less casualties in the foundation and possibly no casualties. I arrive at D-block to see a 5 General Security keeping a close eye on the D-class that was wandering around waiting for something to do, One of the General Security turns around to notice me, he walks up to me and asks "What do you need?" I turned my eyes away from the D-class and look at him "I need 2 D-class for an experiment on SCP:049" with a small smile, he gave me a nod went over and handcuffed 2 D-class as he walked over to me he said “I need radio in the MTF to escort you there” I gave him a nod and walked out of D-block to wait as he radio to the MTF to escort me, not 10 mins later 3 MTF was waiting with me the Gensec gave me the 2 D-class and we walk on down to where SCP:049 containment, excitement hit me as we made it to his containment. When opening the door and making it inside to where he was being held, stair down Big gates that kept him inside with windows on both sides to let us see in and him see out. I turned to the D-class and asked them if any of them was allergic to lavender, D-class that will be known as D-1019 shyly nodded his head the other D-class who will be known as D-582 shook his head no. With that information I separated the 2 D-classes and gave D-582 a lavender perfume, as they put it on in a large amount making it very strong to the point that it will give anyone a headache, I explained to them both that they will go in and not attack SCP:049. They both gave a nod and the MTF escorted them into SCP:049 containment, I walked up the ramp to watch up top to see what he would do. SCP:049 walked up to D-582 ready to touch him but stopped as soon as the lavender hit him, he stood there for 2 mins seeming calmed, D-582 was standing there frozen with fear not able to speak both just staring at each other I watch in amusement. Without saying a word SCP:049 soon turned and walked up to D-1019 who was on the other side of the containment, SCP:049 touches the D-1019 arm and he falls over dead, I watched as he took the surgical equipment and the 4 viles, that he always uses when turning someone into a SCP:049-2, once the deed was done and they was brought back to life, by that time the perfume had worn off and SCP:049 commanded SCP:049-2 to kill the did class. The SCP:049-2 was terminated shortly after that.

Addendum 2:
On 03/07/2021 the day after the last test on SCP:049 I decided to head back down there with SR Cooper after explain to them what happen on my last test, I wanted to see if the SCP:049-2 would still be commanded to attack, or feel the need to if the lavender scent was still there so we headed back down to SCP:049 containment with 2 D-class and 3 MTF, SCP:049 was still not very talkative so we let him make a SCP:049-2 with one of the D-class and then I put the lavender spray on the D-class why Cooper dumped a bucket full of lavender perfume on the SCP:049-2. the room filled with the strong scent of lavender, after putting the D-class into SCP:049 Containment he didn't attack the D-class neither did the SCP:049-2. After a hour and 30 mins we took the D-class, while getting the D-class out they was still calm and collected not wanting to leave or try to attack. SCP:049-2 was then Terminated. 

Test subjects/escorts needed: 2 D-class and 3 MTF.

How can we improve containment: If we give MTF lavender scented perfume, SCP:049 will not attack MTF and SCP:049 will be easily contained as well as keep the death of any Gensec or MTF from SCP:049.

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Grade: 70% (D)

Lore: 20/20
I don't think there is anything wrong with the lore in this test log
Creativity: 5/20
We already know that SCP 049 is very calm when lavender is around and I am sure you got this information in his file which was "the application of lavender (L. multifida) has been shown to produce a calming effect on the entity. Once calmed, SCP-049 generally becomes compliant, and will return to containment with little resistance." which if you did then there would have been no reason to do this test considering we already know what lavender does to SCP 049
Presentation: 5/20
everything is bunched up together and hard to read and using a google doc with a SCP file like background and some colorful text would also help your test log look better
Writing: 40/40
I see nothing wrong with the writing in this test log

Foundation Doctor,

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