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Frox's Officer Application!


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In-Game name: Frox/SH2

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:144557696

Rank: 1SG

How long have you been in your current rank?: About 6 minutes. Time of writing.


What experiences in leadership do you have?: 

The experiences I have in leading is only in one other battalion. I was a NCO In SF and was the rank of NP I believe. I spent the most time in SF before leaving it for DT. I also played a lot on a Military RP server. I was the rank of CWO and loved it.


Why do you want to be an officer?(150+ Word minimum) 

The reason I want to become a Death Trooper Officer is because I want to see this battalion flourish. I have been a Death Trooper for almost 3 months now and I have absolutely loved being in DT. When I was trying hard to get into DT I never thought I would make it this far but now that I’m here I want to keep going and help this battalion as much as I can. If I become an officer I will try my hardest to do the best I can to help NCO’s as well as Enlisted. This server is not just a game for me I take my rank as a responsibility and sure there have been some times in the past where I have messed up but I think becoming an officer will help me learn. As an officer I will try my best to improve this battalion even more than officers in the past have already done so.


What makes you stand out amongst the others?(130+Word minimum) 

When I first joined the server I came across a DT and thought that it seemed like a really tactical battalion which I thought was great. But then I heard the tryouts were unbelievably hard which discouraged me quite a lot. In the past I have gotten overly wrapped up in trying to make it into a battalion on other servers and It was always hard for me and I would be really hard on myself even though it was just a game. I tried out a couple times for “the fun of it” even though of course I was secretly hoping I would pass, which I didn't. I then joined SF and really forgot about joining DT. Then a friend of mine joined the server and got into DT and said it was really fun. I was getting burnt out in the current battalions I was in and decided that it would be worth trying again. So I started trying out all that I could. I would wake up earlier some days to finish school sooner so I could attend more DT tryouts. (The way my school works right now Is I can do it whenever I want to do it.) I was failing a lot and was about ready to give up and probably stop playing SWRP when on my fifteenth tryout I passed. I was so happy and ready to put time and effort into this battalion. Even though It took me a lot of attempts I was determined and I will put that same energy into being an officer and improving the battalion.


Do you understand that if you fail to meet the expectations of an officer you can be removed from your position?

I understand.


Do you understand that receiving a strike will result in an immediate demotion?

I understand.




Edited by Frox
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Think this is a good application but the only thing is that i havent seen you on more otherwise this application is good

Current: IC © 1LT 4560 Gren - Operative Nemesis

Former: IC Vice Commander Scorch - IC © 4457 Reaper IC © 4561 Maroon - DT Officer -

- IF Head Agent - DT NCO - SO CPO - DT OFFICER - IC Officer -


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Your form was very well put together and it's definitely not hard to notice that you're serious about the position.

The only thing I'm a little iffy about is that you made this not even a day after being a 1SG, it makes me wonder if you're more focused on being a higher rank rather than the actual job itself. However that could just be because you're eager, be cautious with that because in the future it could give people the wrong idea about you and could be a very rough first impression on those you have yet to meet.

Good luck!

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yes it’s a good app. It’s just that an app. Like many of the NCOs you need to show more leadership skills and I think you need to wait and go up the ranks. I don’t believe you are ready for Officer

| Death Trooper Seeker Company Captain SC01 Blueberry Moderator

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