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Interview with SCP 076-2


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Date of Interview: 2/27/21


Topic of Interview: SCP 076-2’s origin, relationship with SCP 073, & SCP 076-2’s symbols


Notes Pre-Interview: SCP 076-2 is a fit human male presumably in his late 20s. SCP 076-2 is locked inside of what is known as SCP 076. SCP 076 is a large gery box of unknown origin. SCP 076 is made up of an unknown metal and has 7 metal locks on its front. SCP 076 will open to let out SCP 076-2. When out SCP 076-2 will attempt to kill all humans. SCP 076-2 has the ability to reanimate making it almost impossible to fully destroy. When SCP 076-2 is killed, it’s body will turn to dust and it will begin the reanimation process inside of SCP 076. The time it takes to reanimate changes apon how SCP 076-2 died. SCP 076-2 also has the ability to conjure weapons from a pocket dimension. These blades are made up of entirely black material and, when you attempt to hold it, will dissolve making testing almost impossible.


Interviewer: recon


Interviewee: SCP 076-2




Q: When were you first born?

A: I was born back then in the time of the stone age


Q: When did you first develop your hatred for humans?

A: When Cain ruined my ritual and I got sent to this place. I woke up and I hated him, everyone, who had put me in this box.

Q: So, you hate humans because Cain ruined a sacrifice which trapped you in this box?

A: Yes.


Q: What is your relationship with SCP 073? Or we will just call him cain.

A: Don’t say that name. I don’t want to hear that name.


Q: What would you like me to refer to him as?

A: Asshole.


Q: I can tell your relationship is bad, what else is wrong about it?

A: He’s a prick


Q: Are you brothers?

A: Yes, but I don’t see him as one because of what he did to me betraying me. My life's goal is to kill him or to at least try to.


Q: How do you plan on killing him if he is completely invisible? 

A: A man can only take so much of a beating. After a while of him feeling the pain of having his head cut off, he will break down.


Q: What do the symbols on your body represent?

A: People that I’ve murdered & ancient beast that I have killed.


Q: Ancient beast? Can you describe one?

A: I got this sword by killing a dragon. The tattoo on my left side, it represents a massive bird that I killed.

Q: Final question. What is your blade made out of?

A: It’s made from a metal from another world, but I won’t tell you. It’s a very special material, almost impenetrable. It’s stronger then bedrock.


Q: Is there a name for the material? 

A: Titrumium. 




Conclusion: SCP 076-2 was born during the stone age, estimated to be 3000 B.C.E. SCP 076-2 was cursed to be inside of SCP 076 because of a ritual that SCP 073 ruined. This is where SCP 076-2 developed his hatred for human beings. SCP 076-2 wants to kill SCP 073. Cross testing between the two would be highly dangerous and should not take place. SCP 076-2’s tattoos represent people and creatures he has slain. These creatures, according to SCP 076-2, were common. SCP 076-2’s blade is made out of a metal called Titrumium. Research is still ongoing to find where Titrumium is created.





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Not the most original test idea but I like how you got in-depth

You used a format that wasn't bad and made sense in-lore


Nice conclusion

Extra Note: Damn you're an RFA?

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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