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SCP-096 Relations and Thoughts


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Lore Name: Coomer
Rank: Researcher  I have permission to test on 096 by KCM Glados
SCP: 096

Question / Idea: Can SCP-096 have relationships and allow them to look at his face.

Background Research: To do this test i had to have a MTF, another researcher at the same rank as I, however I let him accompany on 096. he's wasn't testing 096. he was backup for putting on the bag on his head,  helping me research on 096, and asking requests commands that will help on the test. I also brought 3 d-class, I don't simply remember their names but I will put half of their name. There was Jewsus, Google, and Mr. Monkey.

Hypothesis: I know the SCP-096 is shy and won't let people allow to look at his face. But I think he just needs to have a good relationship with someone. I think i would say yes this test will maybe be correct.

Observations (What Happened During Test):  The first thing we did was to put a bag over his head to test 096. We had everyone go one at a time if we failed to put the bag over his head. Once we did, we started testing and bringing in the d class, releasing them and making their hands go up so they wont minge with 096. I went inside the chamber too to ask the questions to 096 and to make the demands to the d-class. As you know I first ask the SCP if he can hear us. It responded yes by hopping. And next question would be that if the SCP could understand the language we are speaking. It responded no. I don't even know how he could understand the first question but ok. If compliments weren't going to work then we are going to test with friendly touching. The first thing we did was to touch his hand. Everyone did that and passed, however 096 slapped Mr. Monkey. Mr. Monkey was kind of a sound minger. He had a sound board. The next command was to pat is head softly like how they would treat their dogs. Jewsus and google passed. However, Mr. Monkey was like, I LIKE YOUR CUT G, and smack 096 head. 096 then killed Mr. Monkey. Mr. Monkey failed the test. But do not worry. The test was still going. Just with Jewsus and Google. The next command was to rub his back or pat his back softly. By the way all these commands are like the things you would do to start a friendship to a dog. So probably it would work on 096.  Jewsus went first, from observation, I saw 096 enjoying and comforted by it. Jewsus was getting good friendship with 096. This could be it people. An amazing discovery. Maybe 096 was going to allow Jewsus look at his face. All he needed to do was to recognize him from touch when he takes off his bag and looking at him with his own eyes.  That I will do after a few more commands to the d-class. Google was up next, 096 had no reaction. Next up was to give 096 a hug. Jewsu, hugged 096, 096 did nothing, he was comforted by it. Same with google. 096 did the same thing. Now this was the big reveal. If the d-class ready or not.  I told the d-class to not look at 096 face until after 096 recognizes them by touching his hand. I took off the bag. Jewsus went first. 096 Recognized him. And now I told Jewsus to look at his face. 096 was calm. and didn't do nothing. I didn't hear any death sounds from Jewsus. Jewsus was taken out of the chamber and went back d block. What an Amazing discovery I made. Next  was google. 096 recognized him but did not allow google look at his face. 096 killed google. Google failed the test. I don't about Jewsus, but maybe later on 096 will breach and come to eliminate him or not.


Evidence/Visual Stimuli: n/a It is forbidden to take pictures or evidence  of 096 so I will simply describe what happened as best as I could. Even though he has a bag over his head it is still forbidden 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Jewsus probably has comfortable hands, or can be seemed to be a nice person and also really soft and comfortable. Google and Mr. Monkey failed the test to have a good relationship with 096.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct? :It seems that with right relationship with 096, he will not kill you. And to answer this test, 096 does have and can have relationships with new people he hasn't met before. maybe. I don't know later on 096 will breach and come to Jewsus to  eliminate him or not. But for now on yes. 096 can have relationships with people and with the right relationship they are allowed to see his face but still don't take pics nor vids.

Guy that used to play Starwars RP: Ceaser/Gold Roger


FormerGideon Hask


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21 hours ago, Starstep said:

Test has been assigned for grading.
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what does this mean


Guy that used to play Starwars RP: Ceaser/Gold Roger


FormerGideon Hask


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Clean and well-written test. I like the test idea as to the assumption that SCP-096 may open up to others if a bond is formed between them. The story lines up with the lore and the format looks amazing! Some things could be worked out such as detail in places it matters such as your summary to explain how this could be benefited or re-worked for future tests.

SCP-RP - Former Assistant Head of Research | Former OMI-9 2LT | Former GenSec 2LT


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