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SCP's-131 and 096 behavior test


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Lore Name: John Fisk
Rank: Assistant Researcher (AR)
SCP: 131-096-1424

Additional Researchers: DR.Bright

Question / Idea: How Would SCP-096 react to its face being seen by 131 and 1424
Background Research: We know 096 aka the shy guy reacts incredibly violent to its face being seen by a human being.

Going as far as to travel around the world to chase what ever unlucky soul had the misfortune of catching a glimpse of its appearance.
Hypothesis: We believed 096 would react aggressively and attack 131,  but knowing how indestructible 131 is we came to the conclusion that 096 would attempt to attack 131 and 1424 but would end up in failure 

Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP-131 ended up not triggering 096's killing instinct, but rather 096 stared at 131 until the test was over.

With 131 saying and I quote "He's nice" and "pleasing on the eyes". Weirdest of all was 096 completely ignoring 1424 and giving 131 it full undivided attention.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:spacer.png

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): In conclusion 096 ended up not touching a single hair on SPC's 131-1424, but rather stared intensely at 131 ignoring 1424
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No we thought 096 would attack but it ended up being incredibly docile.

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