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SCP-173 Relationships and thoughts


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Lore Name: Coomer
Rank: Junior
SCP: 173

Question / Idea: Can you have a friendly relationship with scp 173, or in another words does scp 173 have emotions or feelings. And I asked for communicating questions to the scp

Background Research: I first got 1 d class. then used 3 d class to test the relationship so he cant kill. And I asked if he could
Hypothesis: In my thoughts I would think 173 would have a chance of having of being of friend a friend or a foe that doesn't care what you do. I mostly thought that he was a friendly.

Observations (What Happened During Test): In the first test I got 1 d class to test scp-173. It didn't go so well as he wasn't paying attention to what I told him to do so he died from the scp-173. I knew it wouldn't work out with just 1, so I used 3 d-classes and they all went inside the chamber altogether. Now let me describe who were they. The first one was a stupid one which he was just asking dumb questions to the scp. However, there was one question that involved the scp's biology. Seemed that scp does have genitals, and is considered a male. There was a mean one which was just always punching the scp and backing away. and the last one was actually the friendly there. The first question to the scp was that could he hear what the d-class are saying. It responded yes by turning in one way. The next question was that could he understand what language they were saying. It was a yes. The next question was did he know any other languages except English. He responded no by turning left and right. Then the last question was that could he communicate. He Responded no. Then the stupid d-class was just asking not important questions except the gender of the scp. That question was good. Then There was one who was nice and actually payed attention to what i was saying. He went up to the scp and communicated with it! It was the start of their relation ship. Than i ask him to shake hands with the scp. They ended up doing it. When the mean d-class was punching the scp. The nice d-class apologized to the scp for letting the d-class punch him. So he punched back the punchy d-class. Out of no where the Scp started to kill. He killed the mean one first, then the stupid one. But he just left the nice alive for a bit. And then killed him last. But I think my question was kind of correct. It seems that SCP-173 could have relationships.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: n/a I didn't know you had to get evidence but next time 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I would say maybe because he did leave the nice one last to kill but left alive for a few minutes. I guess the Scp-173 has feelings
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: probably yes

Guy that used to play Starwars RP: Ceaser/Gold Roger


FormerGideon Hask


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Overall, a very good test. A great idea coupled with a lot of detail equals a quality test in my book. A few things I want to point out. One is the grammar. It could be a little better. There are sentences that don't start with uppercase letters and sentences that start with the word "but". That's not proper grammar. Other than that this is a good test and a great starting point for a Junior Researcher. Keep up the good work!

Grade: B+


Former DHOR Tomato

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