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SCP-61371-GL and SCP-049 Cross Test


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Lore Name: Edward Mason

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 61371 & 049

Date: 2/21/21

Question / Idea: How did this new SCP found interact with SCP-049. New SCP subject had appearance of Human but much smaller, wanted to see if SCP-049 saw pestilence when looking at 61371-GL

Background Research: SCP-61371-GL was interviewed and stated the following: Subject was produced in a Serpents Hand Lab. Created to assassinate the Site Director. When threatened will take out a weapon out of seemingly no where.

Physical Description: Approximately 2 feet 6 inches in height. Short white hair. Sapient appearance. Black clothing. Female in Appearance. 


HypothesisSCP-049 would suspect the subject of pestilence and would terminate subject.

Observations: SCP-049 and SCP-61371-GL started communicating. Asked each other questions on interests, pestilence and what each can do. 049 seeming rather interested in SCP-61371-GL. Lasted for around 6-7 minutes, SCP-049 rather liked SCP-61371-GL. SCP-049 proclaimed it's love for SCP-61371-GLSCP-61371-GL declined and wanted out. SCP-049 attempted to breach in order to keep SCP-61371-GL for itself. SCP-61371-GL pulled out a weapon in self defense. SCP-049 was recontained with ease. 

Evidence/Visual Stimuli:



Analysis / Conclusion: SCP-049 got attached to SCP-61371-GL, SCP-61371-GL was not terminated by SCP-049. SCP-049 was for some reason attached to this new SCP. Reasons still unclear. When asking SCP-61371-GL about what happened, SCP-61371-GL was confused as well. More testing needed.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:  My hypothesis was incorrect. SCP-049 did the exact opposite of terminating SCP-61371-GL.

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I always like seeing event SCP Logs.

Good pictures.

Tiny bit short but that's not a bad thing.

I noticed your hypothesis said that "SCP-049 would suspect the subject of pestilence and terminate it" which is, Well not very Secure Contain Protect of you.

Overall, Not anything remarkable but still very good work.

Note: 049 simpin' tho

Edited by Jummy

Research Administrator | R.A.U. Commissioner | External Agent 3 "Oyasumi"


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