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SCP-049-2 and SCP-610 cross test

Researcher Colt

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Lore Name: Colt
Rank: Researcher
SCP: SCP-049-2 and SCP-610

Question / Idea: What is a potential reaction between both SCP-049-2 and SCP-610
Background Research: SCP-049-2 is commonly referred to as a zombie, it is naturally created by SCP-049 as a result of the surgery.
Instances of SCP-049-2 are aggressive toward humans and tend to listen to SCP-049's commands.
SCP-610 is a Keter class virus capable of mass destruction. Containment of it is impossible, however, tests on the sample of SCP-610 can be done on-site. It is highly infectious and dangerous.
Hypothesis: SCP-049-2 will be infected just like any other human, not much will be different.

1. SCP-049-2 was dragged into SCP-610's containment chamber by the RIG unit, during which both SCPs didn't seem to take notice of another.
2. SCP-610 proceeded to infect SCP-049-2, however, the infection seemed to take effect much slower as when compared to average humans reaction to SCP-610 the differences could be seen very easily. SCP-049-2 through the majority of the test didn't show much of the symptoms.
3. SCP-049-2 in what appears to be an outburst of rage and aggression, quickly overpowering SCP-610 instance by brute force.
4. SCP-049-2 proceeded to rip parts of flesh from SCP-610, in an attempt to kill it, as it took bites, punched, or clawed its claws into the flesh of SCP-610, while SCP-610 subject remained passive.
5. SCP-049-2 succeeded with little to no damage to himself. SCP-610's badly mutilated body was lying in a corner.
6. SCP-049-2 was quickly retrieved, rather easily, and samples of his body were taken and sent to research labs.
7. SCP-049-2 suffered death by infection, quite possibly due to the level of resistance he has exhibited shortly after he was taken out of SCP-610's containment chamber. Its remains were incinerated for safety reasons.

After Test Observations:
Analysis of the samples collected by me was done in an outstanding short time. It shows that while SCP-610 infection is one of the deadliest, the already "cured" SCP-049-2 quite a resistance. Its entire body was working together to fight off the infection, or at least that what it looks like to be. 
On the topic of the SCP-049-2 attack on SCP-610, what exactly caused this outburst is, sadly, unknown to me. It certainly sparked an interest in me. Interestingly, SCP-049-2 might have harmed himself as it helped the infection to spread, even if by so very little.
Lastly, the SCP-049-2 instance remained quite calm, even after being exposed to the SCP-610 infection. This is another question that is hard to answer, or at least answer correctly.

Analysis / Conclusion: Having both the test and after test observations, it does seem that SCP-049-2 and SCP-610 have an interesting reaction which if researched more so might have a fruitful result to our understanding of possible both SCPs, which we so desperately seek.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: It was completely false, which I consider a good thing.

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a unique test

610 tests are low rn so nice

i wish the observation/interaction couldve been a bit longer

grammar seems good

nice job

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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