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Aura's Resignation


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For the foreseeable future, my time on this server has come to an end. It has been an amazing ride from start to finish, with a few bumps along the way.

I heard about this server from a friend and they got me onto it. At first I didn’t think I would like it until I started to interact with the community. Most everyone is super fun to be around and helped me get started on this wild ride.

I joined Medical and 501st, which became my main lives and my homes for the majority of my time here. Working my way through the ranks, getting into Rescue Squadron and ARC, watching commanders and friends come and go, eventually becoming a Medical Vice Commander for a while before stepping down, and  becoming the ARC Lead. I have had so many fun experiences on this server and have made many friends from it as well. 501st and Medical will always be my homes and I look forward to coming back someday and looking at how they have grown.

To all of the people who I have been with me through this time, thank you for making my time on this server as fun and memorable as it was and I hope that I have had as much of a positive impact on your experience as you have mine. 

This is not “Farewell”, think of it more as, ”Until we meet again.”

Until next time, this is Aura, signing off.

 EX Medical Vice Commander 501st ARC Lead | 501st Officer IC Enlisted IQ Lord 


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