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The middle - SCP 087 Test.

Mitchell Hugh

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Lore Name: Mitchell Hugh
Rank: ECM
SCP: 087

Question / Idea: What would happen to a D Class personnel who is tossed down the middle of SCP 087, Also referred to as: "The Endless Staircase".

Background Research: 
 SCP-087 is an unlit platform staircase. Stairs descend on a 38 degree angle for 13 steps before reaching a semicircular platform of approximately 3 meters in diameter. Descent direction rotates 180 degrees at each platform. The design of SCP-087 limits subjects to a visual range of approximately 1.5 flights. A light source is required for any subjects exploring SCP-087, as there are no lighting fixtures or windows present. Lighting sources brighter than 75 watts have shown to be ineffective, as SCP-087 seems to absorb excess light.
Hypothesis: The D Class personnel will be able to reach the bottom of the endless staircase either alive or in bad condition.

Observations (What Happened During Test): After entering SCP 087's CC, Subject D-9237 was instructed to sit down on object, Subject D-9237 was then strapped down to the object, To prevent them from jumping off the object and attempting a escape, After they were strapped down to the object, Subject D-9237 was ordered to make noise or scream if they were to reach the very bottom of SCP 087, They agreed to those terms, Subject D-9237 was then dropped down into the dead middle of SCP 087, After approximately 15 second's since Subject D-9237 was dropped down into the middle of SCP 087, No sound's were heard expect a impact, And sound's of water splashing coming from what we assumed was the bottom of SCP 087, More time later and nothing was heard coming from the middle of SCP 087, After that point, We had clearly confirmed that subject D-9237 was KIA, Testing concluded shortly after a brief conversation regarding the test with the O5-COUNCIL.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli:
Enchanced photo of the deep middle SCP 087.


Conclusion: Further testing on this concept regarding SCP 087 is required to confirm if a Class D personnel may reach the bottom with this method, For any future test's regarding this concept and or theory, Video and audio equipment should be handed to the Class D subject's sent down into the dark middle abyss, Funding for the following equipment has been approved by the o5-council.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Unknown.

[SCP RP] Former Research Administrator | Research Field Agent | Chair Professor of RRA - Former RRH Analyst 'November 1' -- MTF Nu7 Second Lieutenant  Senior Event Team Member - Former Admin

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Honestly this is very creative and well done. I would have never thought of this idea. The only thing I want out of this is more detail. Like what would have happened if you sent a rescue party down the stairs? Also, more explanation as to why it sounded like there was water down there. Also also, you don't have to redact the class d names. Save that for the 05 and such. Over all very good just wish it could be longer.


Former DHOR Tomato

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