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SCP 049 and SCP 2191-1 Cross test


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Name: Gr1m5

Rank: Researcher

SCPs:049, 2191-1

List of Personnel involved: Myself


Level D personnel involved(If any): No D-Class Personnel were involved


Risks/Safety Precautions: SCP 049 was escorted by a RIG(Research Intelligence Guardian).


Background research: SCP 049 is a humanoid resembling a European plague doctor. When he touches someone, they will turn into a zombie. SCP 2191-1 is a vampire that can drink the blood of living things, and can also turn invisible.


What I am testing: I will be seeing how SCP 049 would interact when introduced to SCP 2191-1.


Observation: Upon looking at SCP 049. SCP 2191-1 claimed it did not like SCP 049. Upon asking why, he said "His touch brings death", when asked how he knew about it, because he has never seen SCP 049, he claimed to have heard stories about him. Eventually, SCP 049 threw a blood bag at him, but SCP 2191-1 would not take it. Eventually, SCP 2191-1 started saying how he had a free will, unlike 049, due to how SCP 049's only goal is to kill people who he thinks are at deaths door. 049 then proceeded to claim that everyone is at deaths door. And when 049 said how 2191-1 had similarities to 049-2, due to how they both kill out of hunger, SCP 2191-1 said again about how he had a free will unlike them. They started plotting there escape from the containment cell, when the RIG claimed it would open fire if 2191-1 got close to 049. After about a minute of them negotiating, the RIG then fell into the containment chamber, and was killed by 2191-1. Backup was called, and an MTF ended up being killed. When another MTF arrived, 2191-1 was deceived into letting 049 get cuffed and dragged away by having me talk to him and the MTF grabbing him when his back was turned. 


Conclusion: SCP 049 and SCP 2191-1 do not seem to like each other, however, it seems they are still willing to work together when given a common goal. I would avoid having them interact in the future. Due to the possibility of them getting violent towards each other(2191-1 would openly show hatred). And the possibility of them both attempting to breach containment.

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a decently long observation for the test log

a new scp test

wish there could be more background research

grammar is decent

nice job

E11 1LT []FORMER CI MAJOR[]Former MTF OMICRON-9 CAPTAIN[]Former Janitorial Low Command[]Former E11 HCMD[Former overseer of D4,Former experimental, Former E4]
"The fuck is a ethics committee?"


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