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Tangerine Baker's Test | SCP-049 Basic Surgery lesson| Document #1723 | Part 1

[DEFN] Tangerine Baker

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In-game Name: Tangerine Baker
Rank: Elite Medical Scientist

Idea: I just thought maybe we can teach SCP-049 Basic Surgery for other type of surgeries.
Basic Description of what you will do: I will give him the Basic Tools for Surgery, Scalpel, Injections, amnesia, etc.
Hypothesis: Since he is sort of a "Doctor" it will be at least easier than SCP-5208. And Can MAYBE Help for some Surgery testing that we can't touch.

Observations (can be a video or audio):  <:Begin Audio Log:> So, I decided that maybe I can teach these SCP or the more humanoid like SCP some surgery and can possibly help the foundation. After the SCP-5208 test didn't work, I moved onto SCP-049. After having the Class Disposable hand SCP-049 the Surgical Kit, We began. Of course, I had MTF shoot the Class-D in the stomach. It was going good till the end where the Glove that I had him wear fell of, Killing the Class Disposable. 
Detailed description of what happened during the test: After getting SCP-049 to wear these Blue Long gloves, I told the Mobile Task Force Unit, Nu-7 to take a shot. Afterwards, SCP-049 was given instructions to begin the surgery. After Administering Amnesia (30cc of Ketamine, 5cc of Lodine) I instructed him to make an Incision around the Bullet wound and look for any chip/broken bones, Internal Bleeding, Open Vessels, etc. He did really good on fixing those. But the end, his glove got caught on something, it pulled his glove and and he killed the Class Disposable.

Conclusion: SCP-049 can do pretty good in surgery.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: It was a win for surgery, but Other Surgery tests, still Unknown currently.
What did you learn?: SCP-049 has steady hands and can be a perfect surgeon.
How Can This Benefit Medical?: Any Surgery or test including surgery, we can use SCP-049 to help if he can touch it.

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*Pulls out a Lvl 5 key card out of pocket and opens computer terminal* "Welcome OL5"

Unofficial Scoring System

Grade: B

Total: 18/25 

Creativity: 4/5 

Usefulness: 3/5 

Writing: 4/5 

Presentation: 3/5 

Realism: 4/5 

Notes: Liked the way you were going for this, and I agree that SCP-049 can be utilized this way, Overall good test: Keep it up.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Peters or I. -MRS Dustin

*shuts down terminal*

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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