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Tangerine Baker's Test Document File #7892 | Joy pill + SCP-035-2 | Possessive Mask

[DEFN] Tangerine Baker

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In-game Name: Tangerine Baker
Rank: Elite Medical Scientist

Idea: Joy pill and 035-2
Basic Description of what you will do: I will have the Class-D take the pill before being controlled just to see what happens.
Hypothesis: It will either heal any corrosive acid that the subject has.

Observations (can be a video or audio): <:Begin Log:> So! I only have 5 of these pills left... I really just wanted to explore a few things and the ability of these pills. When I gave him the pill 035 mind control effect didn't take place. SCP-035-2 had full control of his mind.
Detailed description of what happened during the test: When The Subject ate the pill, he was happy, as usual, all or any metal or physical  damage was healed. But when 035 was ATTEMPTING to take control of the Subject nothing happened. No matter what 035 tried to do didn't work. A few corrosive acid was leaking from the subject but it was healing. After 5 minutes the effect of the pill worn off and that was the end. SCP-035-2 Terminated. 4 Pills left.

Conclusion: The Joy pill is a very unique pill.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes but no.
What did you learn?: The Joy pill has more special abilities than I thought. 
How Can This Benefit Medical?: If any test or any Mind control SCP is in the foundation, we can use this to stop it from using it's ability for 5 minutes.

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Unofficial Scoring System

Grade: B

Total: 17/25 

Creativity: 4/5 

Usefulness: 3/5 

Writing: 3/5 

Presentation: 3/5 

Realism: 3/5 

Notes: Again, I enjoy see people follow up on previous test ideas, and the use of this pill, to revoke mind control may be useful to our operatives, good job.

If you have any question feel free to ask any command member- Doctor Dustin

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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