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Tangerine Baker's Test | The Joy Pill and SCP-049-2

[DEFN] Tangerine Baker

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In-game Name: Tangerine Baker
Rank: Senior Medical Researcher

Idea: What if I give SCP-049-2 one of my joy pills.
Basic Description of what you will do: I will have SCP-049 turn a Class-D into SCP-049-2 and instruct the "Doctor" to give him the pill.
Hypothesis: It will just make the zombie gain a boost in happiness.

Observations (can be a video or audio): <:Begin Log:> So, I only have a few of these pills left and I might as well use them. It was really just random but when SCP-049 gave  SCP-049-2 the pill, he returned back to human. I didn't get a chance to do surgery since it was a CODE SILVER in Medical Bay. But it was very interesting. (049 did the roleplay.) <:End of Log:>
Detailed description of what happened during the test: So, There wasn't much going on since it was around a DEFCON 3. All I did was instruct him to give the pill to SCP-049-2 that was in his pocket, The rot started to disappear and his skin started to go back to normal. Like I said, It was a CODE SIL VER in Medical Bay, so I couldn't procced much with the test.

Conclusion: The joy pill is a great utility for medical.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.
What did you learn?:  The joy pill can cure SCP-049-2
How Can This Benefit Medical?: If any Foundation Staff ever got infected, we can use this to turn them back.

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Unofficial Scoring System

Grade: B

Total: 18/25 

Creativity: 4/5 

Usefulness: 4/5 

Writing: 3/5 

Presentation: 3/5 

Realism: 4/5 

Notes: Enjoyed that this test followed up on your last test, being able to cure SCP-049-2 by our own means would definitely be useful, good work.

If you have any question feel free to ask any command member- MRS Dustin

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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