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Scp-060 Test Log (Disco Inferno)

CatFIsh {FE}

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Lore Name: Senior Researcher CatFish

Rank: Senior Researcher

SCP: Scp-060

Question / Idea: What would happen if i made constant fires and put them out in 060's containment chamber. How would scp-060-Alpha react? Would SCP-060-Alpha even activate?

Background Research: Scp 060 is a collection of white oak trees that are contained within greenhouses at site 66 taht when burned with produce one instance of scp 060-Alpha. Scp-060-Alpha is a human skeleton covered in white flames that will attempt to cause as much destruction as possible within its means. its a lot like our own sites 457 except Scp-060-Alpha is a lot more dangerous in its capabilities Since it has Increased jump height, and speed, not to mention that it burns at 1500 degrees celcius.

Hypothesis: I believe that Scp 060-Alpha will become incapable of materializing, and if he even did he would be reduced to ash by the fire retardent system i have in place for the test.

Observations (What Happened During Test): During my testing of scp-060 and 060-Alpha, i had temporary gas and water lines brought through the entire enclosure of scp-066 so i can turn on the fire or water at any time. I hit the button for a second and watched a gust of flames fill scp-066's containment cell, which promptly activated scp-066-Alpha to materialize. once he fully materialized i hit the water button and flooded the cell, reducing 066-alpha to ash, i did this about 3 more times in a pattern of fire, water, fire, water and fire, then once i hit the water button to reduce 066-alpha to ash, the only thing that came out was steam. Scp-066-Alpha roared an unholy abomination of a noise, and the flame surrounding it, melting the gas line and setting off a chain reaction that blew up the entire enclosure and a large chunk of site-66. I promptly radio'd it in and started fleeing the facility, making sure scp-066-alpha did not catch me, the site director declared a defcon 1 due to the fact that a major chunk of the facility was blown open and more euclid/keter scps were now free. I was lucky enough to get out on the plane i arrived in with various [Redacted] that i originally came there for before the onsite nuke was activated and the site was declared destroyed. 

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I inadvetandly caused scp-066-alpha to go into an unholy rage that caused site-66 to detonate its on site warheads due to most  of the facility being blown up.

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: NO


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