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Tangerine Baker's Test: 939 amnesia Mass Test [Granted by Command]

[DEFN] Tangerine Baker

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In-game Name: Tangerine Baker
Rank: Experienced Researcher

Idea: My test idea was to  compare 939 amnesia with other Amnestic like Class-A or Class-B 
Basic Description of what you will do: Since 939 only release this amnesia when it's prey escapes. So I would use Class-D as bait and try to capture the amnesia.
Hypothesis: 939 Amnesia could be used by the foundation if it had a little improvement 

Observations (can be a video or audio): <:Begin Audio Log:>  When Testing with the 939 amnesia, It had great range bout 2  meters of reach, I am guessing. And It uses this amnesia to lure it's prey back to it. When I gave the Class-D the 939 Amnesia,I put him in a room and Watched him for a few seconds, after a few seconds he left the room and went back to the same position but nothing happened this time, It sorta like time reverse.  Unlike the other Amnestic that just erase the memory and didn't even bother coming over and just wondered how he got here. <:End Of Audio Log:>

Detailed description of what happened during the test: The 939 Amnesia was a strong translucent white cloud. When I was giving the Class-D the Amnesia You could really see his memory wipe away. It was very interesting when he stated, "This is like dejavu." But he kept going.

Conclusion: 939 Amnesia is a Reverse Time like, sorta. 
What did you learn?: 939 Amnesia is a hunting tactic used to lure it's prey back after they escaped, making sure it lands the critical blow. 
How Can This Benefit Medical?: If anything went wrong for Ex: Medical  personnel experienced something or a situation didn't go as planned and needed a due over, this will help since they will still have the urge of going there again and can change the outcome AGAIN.

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Unofficial Scoring System

Grade: B

Total: 18/25 

Creativity: 4/5 

Usefulness: 3/5 

Writing: 3/5 

Presentation: 3/5 

Realism: 4/5 

Notes: Although SCP-939 has amnestic properties, the use of this amnestic is to draw prey over, but overall good test, and I'm glad to see people finally use SCP-939 in a medical test.

If you have any question feel free to ask any command member- MRS Dustin

Edited by 8Dustin

|RRH Tango 63| CI RND AIN Rusty BSA192 | EOI | Head Medical Research | DHFTO |




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