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Leroy's Engineering Officer Application.


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What is your ingame name?: Name

What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:426728221

What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman

What specialty are you applying for: Engineering

What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax

What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: My first thing I will try to improve is Discipline and my reason for that is that I sometimes see Enlisted Havoc playing around with the fortification's builder making stairs and walls and sometimes even playing with their explosives I will make sure they wont act like that, Second of all I will try to make it so more Havoc join because I have seen a lack of Havoc Troopers in the past week and I would like it if more of them (especially the NCO+ which I see almost 0 activity of instead of Havoc VCMDR Alex which I see him daily) would get on and do their parts as being members of Havoc, next I would try to Improve the way we teach Havoc troopers to do their job for example: explaining more in depth how to use the Engine by checking its power making sure its on and also Explain to them how the Havoc DS and ES work from the moment they join so they dont have to wait untill CPL to have it Explained to them.

Why should you be trusted with this position?: I have Experience in being a part of having, although im only a CPL (I forgot one time to LOA the reason is Private Life stuff) I have been in it before it was Havoc (when it was 31st)  and I have seen the things we can improve and I cant do that as only a CPL of Havoc but as someone with Higher command that can Improve his troops without conflict with the higher ups of Havoc.

Why do you want this rank?: As a member of Havoc and Naval I wish to be able to improve both regiments through one of them and I think the perfect way to do that is by being an EO because the Job of an EO is not only to Help Both Regiments but Try to make it Better I know I have talked about "Improvements" a lot by now but its because I see a little problems with BOTH Regiments (If you want to ask me about the naval ones talk to me in game) and EO is the specialty for people who will help Havoc and Naval which I want to do I think that other people don't want this rank because of Havoc's previous reputation of being a little troublesome and  "bad" among the other Regiments  but I for one saw inside Havoc with my own eyes and the Amount of teamwork in it is amazing and beautiful this is why I want to be an EO.

Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I understand fully of the responsibility I have while having this rank.

What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: Making sure Havoc will do their job properly and with swift while making sure the ship is in a sustainable form.



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