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Emotional liquids

Meow Man

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Lore Name:  Meow
Rank: Junior researcher
SCP: 294

Question / Idea: Does SCP 294 dispense emotions in liquid form? If so what are their effects?
Background Research: I researched the main emotions and their effects on people.
Hypothesis: The liquid produce would effect D-Class in a physical way conforming their bodies to the specified emotion.

Observations (What Happened During Test): No immediate effects were apparent ,however D-Class did remark on taste, which appeared to relate to humanity's interpretation of these emotions
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: One D-Class remark on liquid sadness was that it tasted "Salty like tears", however there appeared to be no physical impact on the D-Class

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):  I believe that the taste of liquid conforms to the users interpretation of the emotion such that users with trauma relating to certain emotions may have stronger tastes to the liquids produced
Was Your Hypothesis Correct? No, the liquids produced by SCP 294 had no effect on physical health

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