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Treefort's NCO Application


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What is your name? Treefort

What is your rank? SA.

How long have you been an Enlisted? Two days.

What rank are you applying for? Senior Pilot.

How many strikes do you have? None (0).

Why should we trust you with a NCO rank? Because I have much experience being an NCO and higher, and I would love to help out the battalion. I have already done some unofficial trainings with my fellow enlisted and I would love to host tryouts in the future. Many people in the battalion have already seen my capabilities and what I can eventually become. I hope that becoming an NCO will help me reach my full potential within the battalion.

What can you do to assist Officers with this rank? I can host tryouts and trainings. I can lead the enlisted if there is no one else there to do so. I can help the enlisted with the things they need help with. Need some tips for flying? I can help. Need some tips for aerial combat? I can help. There are many things that I can do to assist the officers while also helping the enlisted in every way I can. I want everyone to succeed and have fun.

Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the Enlisted rank? Yes; I agree.

Edited by TR33F0RT

Starfighter Corps Group Captain | Onyx Squadron Leader


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Good detailed app

prior experience as nco

good guy 

great at flying



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