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SCP-012 test log


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Lore Name: SCP-012

Rank: Junior Researcher

SCP: 012


Question / Idea: to see if amnestics remove SCP-012 cognitive influence on a person

Background Research: 012 is a cognitive hazard making you go insane and making you eventually kill yourself after long exposure the written piece of music on 012 is Mount of Golgotha 

Hypothesis: that amnestics would make the subject completely forget 012 including cognitive influence


Observations (What Happened During Test): the d-class responded like normal to the effects of 012 until amnestics were applied after amnestics were applied he forgot everything but the description and effects of 012

Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A


Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): After asking the d-class questions on whether he remembered 012 and wants to complete it he said he remembered it was a scroll with red writing and that he wanted to write me a song I handed him a notebook and pencil and he wrote a version of mount of Golgotha (the piece of music present on SCP-012) he then remarked that something was missing but had no urge to commit suicide. In conclusion I believe this failed due to the fact SCP-012 has some anomalous affect on the human mind and that the amnestics only act as a suppressant 

Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Sort of in the end the man never killed himself and he handed over a version of mount of Golgotha written on a piece of paper in my opinion this makes the effects of 012 not hazardous to health but makes your mind question the same thing

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