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SCP 012 test logs

Kebab Muzuva

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tem#: SCP 012
Object Class: Elucid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP 012 is cointaned in a small room whit an object blocking it  and put on display behind it

Description: SCP 012 is a peice of paper that has notes on it writen whit blood witch makes people opsesed whit it nd want to finish it

Lore Name:  SCP  012
Rank: JR 
SCP: 012

Question / Idea: 
I wanted to see the distance from witch it effects people and how fast it does it
Hypothesis: I wanted to see the distance from witch it effects people and how fast it does it

Observations (What Happened During Test):
I uncuffed the d class and ordered my esort to aim at him so he wuld obbeys the rules then told him to slowly aprach the scp he imediatly got opsesed and scratched his skin until there was blood he tryed to finish the song but unsucesfuly he while doing so he said it is  unfiniable

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results):
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes it was I guess



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