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Date: 11/28*Redact the Year* Example Redaction: Clever


Location: Site 10, *Location Unknown*


CI Personnel Involved: [Rank Name] Unknown


SCP’s Involved: [SCP-173]

SCP Class: [Safe/Euclid/Keter/Thaumiel] Euclid


Overview: What's the test about? (If it's an interrogation state that) The test was to see if scp 173 was able to complete a parkour.


Hypothesis: What do you think will happen? What do you hope to achieve? I think he will be able to since SCP'S are anomalies we cannot explain.  And maybe we can achieve a infiltration with SCP-173 to the foundation to sacrifice him to  become stronger and to take more SCPs 




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Overall: 90/100

Lore: 20/25 173 was moving while he was being viewed and if you were to look away he would try to kill you not do parkour so it's not very lore friendly.

Creativity: 25/25 While it's not lore friendly the idea itself is still creative on it's own. 

Presentation: 20/25 There is no actual testing document but the video was a unique Idea. 

Writing: 25/25 No real grammar errors noticed in the writing. 

Test quality: 90 [Exceeds Expectations]

Extra Notes: Make sure to read up on an SCP when testing as that will help you understand it's functions and a little bit of it's lore. Also try using goggle docs and make a format as those are generally viewed better by command.

Edited by [GL] Mike



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