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Testing on SCP-1048 l Elucid


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In-game Name: Jr Researcher Wayne

Rank: Jr Researcher

SCP: -1048

Idea: I would always see people roll against SCP-1048 but I usually see people lose against the SCP so got 5 D-Class and tested them on SCP-1048

Basic Description of what you will do: I see how many out of 5 D-Class's would win against the SCP-1048

Detailed description of what happened during the test: As we watched the D-Class Struggle when seeing the SCP in the test room we asked them to roll and see which ones would when and we did this twice so we tested 10 D-Class just to be sure

Conclusion: In conclusion only 1/5 D-Class passed even on both test

Helper(s): Jr LIL VIBES and SEC OFC Nick

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