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SCP-012 and SCP-500


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Lore Name: Klein
Rank: Junior Researcher
SCP: 012 and 500

Question / Idea: Would SCP 500 be able to cure the effects of somebody under the effects of 12?
Background Research: SCP-012 is a piece of composition that makes the reader get put in a trance and they begin trying to finish the composition despite it being never completed. The subject will tear themselves apart trying to finish the composition in their own blood until the point where they cannot live and then die cause of blood loss. SCP-500 is a pill that is known to cure every disease and numerous other things. 
Hypothesis: If a D class were to look at 012 and then be pulled away by a blindfolded D and fed a SCP 500 pill would the D class be able to resist 012's force?

Observations (What Happened During Test): The first D class entered the containment chamber, he began writing and drawling blood from himself, the blindfolded subject was told to grab him and drag him out from behind the shield and feed him 500. The non-blindfolded D class was able to resist the blindfolded subject's force, as a result the blindfolded subject had his blindfold torn off and no SCP-500 was administered causing  both D class to fall into 012's trance. Both D class were killed from blood loss.
Evidence/Visual Stimuli: // I didn't take any photos

Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Sadly, SCP-500  was not administered to the victim, so no clear analysis can be formed. One thing we did learn, though, was that subject who are in 012's trance will do a lot just to finish the composition.
Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: SCP-500 was not administered, therefore no clear answer can be given.

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