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S.C.P 1025 and S.C.P 500 Cross Testing


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Researchers Name: Hanz Müller
Rank: Associate Researcher
SCP: 1025 and 500

Question / Idea: Can S.C.P 500 cure a D-Class affected by S.C.P 1025?
Background Research: S.C.P 1025 is a Encyclopedia of Common Diseases and when read, it will soon give you that disease. In summary S.C.P 500 is a bottle of pills that cures everything.
Hypothesis: S.C.P 500 should be able to cure a D-Class affected by S.C.P 1025

Log: D-Class is brought to S.C.P 1025 containment cell.  D-Class is instructed to read a page of S.C.P 500. D-Class reads the page. After several minutes D-Class is soon is affected by S.C.P 1025 and is blinded. D-Class appears to be stressed after being blinded. He is quickly calmed down and is given a pill from S.C.P 500. D-Class is given a instance of S.C.P 500. D-Class instantly regains vision and says he feels better than ever. (LOG END)

Conclusion:  Subject affected by S.C.P 1025 appears to be cured when given S.C.P 500.

(Notes first test, I don't know really)

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