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M8VP's - Event Team Application

M8VP ツ

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In-Game Name: M8VP

SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789): STEAM_0:1:102544814

What is your ULX Rank?: Platinum

What is your RP Rank?: CI 1LT

What is your timezone?: MST

How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10):  8ish

Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Yes, I do have experience being a SCP:RP "Event Team" member.

How Active are you? (1/10): 9 (On every single day in the afternoon)

How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): In my knowledge I only have two warns across the gaming-light community. 

Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I believe after many weeks on this server I have been on the server I am very confident in my self to apply for "Event-Team" again, It would be wonderful again to help/host events with the wonderful event-team members. I have a very good understanding of the lore on this server with the average amount of knowledge of the SCP-lore which is something most people don't know when they first  join our server, My activity on the server/forums is decent and it's exactly the main factors of being a great Event-team member which means I'll be doing a lot of events/assisting them also. As an "ex-event team member", I've assisted in a ton of events/hosted them which means I've had a ton of experience in LUA commands, if I do get the "Event team" I will try to do my best as I did before. When I was an "Event Member" before I was very competent and knew how to do things straight forward on my first week on joining ET and being a trainee I got a quota of 12 which was very good considering I was a trainee and had most points than actual senior event members/members. I believe that getting "Event Team" will help me bond more with the players of SCP and all of the "Event team members" and as "event team", my main goal is to make new players have fun and to show them that our SCP:RP server is amazing. 

Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):  As an ET member, I would try to do an SCP-1000 event. SCP-1000 is a "Sasquatch" or also known as "Bigfoot" will trespass into the facility while getting hunted by the Task Force Zeta -1000, while these moments occur SCP-1000 will be inside the facility terrorizing any human he comes in contact with and it will be up to the foundation and Zeta 1000 to work together as one to hurt the "Sasquatch" to the point where you can "try" and capture it, SCP-1000 at this point will be in so-called "Rage Mode" SCP-1000 will regain HP now that his adrenaline is pumping and will carry an attack that is enough to kill you in one hit. At this point the "Sasquatch" has now broken down Medbay Check-point and is now in LCZ to destroy everyone, at this point a Defcon 2 would have been called due to how dangerous this SCP is, The Final part - In this final stage MTF and Gensec have become one strong unit and now can take down the "Sasquatch" but now that the "Sasquatch has been killed the site will now be fully amnesticed due to witnessing the horrible events that have plotted out due to any PTSD.

Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes I have read the "Event Team Guidelines" numerous amount of times!

What is your favorite SCP? Why?: Well If I'm going, to be honest, I have quite different taste in SCPS but if I would pick any right now I would pick SCP-504 and why you must ask, is because  SCP-504 basically has humor in-jokes (I know right) but the interesting part about this SCP is that if it hears any crappy jokes it basically flings at speeds that you wouldn't imagine a tomato would fly at and basically injure you or even worse..... KILL YOU!

Thank you for reading this  have a good day/night 🙂

 Retired CI LTCMDR | Proud Enuzer | Roblox Pro

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"Without morals, are we truly any better than the things we've set ourselves to contain?"

EX-Site Director   EX-Super Admin | EX-Event Team Lead | Otter Lover Regardless of what SMT Says, not a furry. R&D Senior Inspector


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