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682: God's Cold Touch


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Regarding me logging my tests as O5 Staff, I have decided to do such within CI Research Logs, rather than Foundation Research Logs. As nobody else currently does anything of the sort. As well as R&D is my proud home-branch in which I joined O5 Staff from. This is still up for Grade, though, to make it a little more RP based and sensible for the life I use for these. I have slightly altered the usual format as to have it make more sense.  As for the RP of how this test log was obtained, we can assume it was Stolen from the foundation during a CI raid.


With Best Regards,
CI R&D Deputy Director Of Operations

|| - Retired SCP-RP Event Team Leader || Retired SCP-RP Admin || -Retired CI R&D Head of Research||

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Grade: 100/100

Lore: 25/25 All of lore seems correct.

Creativity: 25/25 Good test creativity, never seen this type of test before.

Presentation: 25/25 Great presentation. Like the idea of stolen Foundation documents.

Writing: 25 /25 Great writing. No major grammatical errors.

Additional comment: This was a great test, both the log and the in-game test itself. Also, I personally prefer color coding text to specific people when they are talking in the log (makes it looks prettier and helps people differentiate between who's who a lot easier; however, due to the extremely large amount of people in this test I won't be deducting any points.

Test quality: Exceeds Expectations

Current: [REDACTED]

Former: E11 COL | Deputy Head of FTOs | CI SRIC/LCPL

"We die in the dark so that others can live in the light."


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