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SCP 682 "Docility Test"


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Grade: 98/100

Lore: 25/25 682 is extremely hostile towards any attempts made to contact him and deals with him often end badly so this follows lore very well good job!

Creativity:  25/25 While the questions itself weren't unique the idea of penetration fluid however was very creative and asking him to go after Foundation was a good attempt.

Presentation:  23/25 Used original formatting but had some nice colors! 

Writing:  25/25 Didn't notice any/many grammar errors at all and the details were fantastic so good on you for that!

Test quality: Exceeds Expectations!

Extra Notes: Command really love to see original formats and it helps boost your scores by a bit so if you wanna make your own go ahead as we'd love to see how creative you are.



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