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SCP-500 test


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Grade: 45/100
Lore: 20/25 Ok so there's not actually much to go off of when it comes to looking at the lore behind this test because there's not much of what happened during the test, but SCP-500 is known for curing diseases and it just doesn't seem like depression falls under the category of diseases when it comes to SCP-500 curing unless we are talking about some type of SCP virus which causes depression.
Creativity: 10/25 Ok so I sort of understand what you wanted to do with the test but it doesn't seem very creative and doesn't seem like it is very well thought out in my opinion and seems a bit rushed.
Presentation: 10/25 Ok so you followed the format but, you didn't make a actual audio log you just used the example that is on the test log format, and a lot of the other example test is left in there, also you put a overview of the test in the hypothesis instead of overview and didn't actually put any actual hypothesis.
Writing: 5/25 Ok so you didn't capitalize most of your sentences or your I's, there are some really weird looking spaces, and there isn't much actual writing to be seen about what happened during the test.
Test quality: Approaching expectations
Extra Notes: In the future you should include more of what is happening during the actual test, and also make sure you make your own audio log or delete it from the log instead of leaving the default audio log.


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