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Dragon Drink SCP 294


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Question: What happens when you ask SCP 294 to give you Dragon. 

Observation:  I ordered a D class to ask 294 for Dragon  what came out was a blue liquid that was cloudy but bright I then ordered the D class to drink it he then  said "it tasted like burnt flesh ", About 10min later the D class started to throb and slash across the ground and his arms began to grow large and wings started to sprout out of the D classes back and his head became  misshapen.The D classes started to scream in agony and stared to scream for help but became a roar like a beast,About 5min past until he grew to the size of a grizzly bear and kept growing fear of a contaminate breach I ordered Rig unit 005 to terminate the D class which stoped his growth, on closer inspection of the body I found that the D class was turning into a dragon making new bone and tearing his skin to grow bigger but not killing the D class actually boosting his regeneration  so that the D class could survive.

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