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HeadHuntingSniper (Shock Greg/DT PT4) GM App.


Should I get GameMaster?  

  1. 1. Your choices (Should I get GameMaster?)

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In-game name: HeadHuntingSniper (Shock LCPL Greg 2208/DT PT4)

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:155685379

Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: User (LCPL is highest ranking in Battalions)

Have you donated to the server?: No

Have you been banned on any GL server before?: No

Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: Hm, I was almost warned for RDA, but there is a long story to that. It was a raid and a bunch of ST were named Rebels and 2 of them attacked us and a group was standing near a real rebel and I was like Attempted Treason. I didn't get warned just almost warned and I don't believe I got any. If I did it would just be that. I don't know if I have a RDM warn, I don't think I do you may need to check

How much time do you have on the server?: Total of 24 Hours/1 day

How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I know a more in Lore then some people who just watch the movies and stuff. I watched most of the Clone Wars, Mandalorian, all movies, Rebels, and I know a lot about Death Troopers. Not the zombies, the Imperial Death Troopers. 

Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: I have some ideas for some events that I could do for most of the battalions and some really fun events. I do like lore events and I would like to introduce more characters we have to be used like Krennic for some events and host events that benefit most or all the regiments and give them more freedom then patroling or protecting. I got some fun events for DT, Shock, Purge, 501st (if we have some clone units I can figure something out for them), heck maybe even the Inquisitors since JvS was taken down maybe make a Sith hunt Jedi off ship event. I just have some fun things I could do for these servers.

Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I understand the responsibilities I have as GM, and I like what the Game Masters do. I also have a pretty good reputations and wouldn't want to ruin it at all. I may not even be warned and the RDA was in the moment and not thinking at that time. I really wouldn't want to lose my GM and do stuff bad as it may affect my positions in my other regiments as well. I also really really like this server as it is really fun and just would want to make the experience more fun for everyone including myself. As I said I like the server and have a good reputations I wouldn't want to ruin it and be bad to the server which has been very fun for me.

Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: A little bit yeah, but not much experiences. I have attempted to make a GMOD server with someone but that went to crap.

Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: I have assist Gamemaster before in events, but I was never a game master so I wouldn't really know how they would work.

Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: [On Ship] A agent disguised as a High Admiral (That does exist) enters the ISD with a unvalid uniform, isignias and cylinders, but has a valid ID and papers to enter the ship. He is to steal some plans about so called Project Stardust and if he is found out he will attempt to escape and if he does he goes to Hoth were rebels are there to attack and if he is captured he is interrogated and the base is found to be on Hoth and the rebels die The End.

[Off Ship]: (Special Ops mission with Death Troopers as they need some love, if not I will make a second off ship one) Death Troopers have been sent out to secure a package by Director Krennic on the planet of (I don't know the planets you have) and secure it. Inside the package is a form similar to blackwing, but isn't exactly like it. They will use a anti-gravity tool to pick up and move the package. Once on the ship I make it so that DT secure medbay to hold the package till Director Krennic can get it secured and take it back to a testing area.
[Off Ship]: (non spec ops) The Empire needs to go to (planet) to help with a local raid by the rebels onto citizens who were attacked by the group of traitors. They go and find him. DT do DT and Shock will handle the protest as these attacks have keep happening and the citizens are angry and possible hostile. Purge do Purge IF help DT or something. While this is going on the rebels attempt to ambush the Imperials and if the Imperials kill them all one escapes and they track him down to the pass and have to capture the commander and interrogate him. After they get back to the ISD the debrief happens and the traitor keeps executed and we all live. 

Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): I've seen that you could give weapons if you either do like ! or / giveweapon (player) (Weapon) or I could use the ULX menu to give them some weapons and crap.

Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): For that I really don't know, but I would probably be able to learn how to do that very fast.

Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: No, I didn't see where it was on the forums and can't find it. Maybe in the rules, but I can read it and may read it after I submit this forum right here.

Edited by HeadHuntingSniper

ISB:IA- Agent Greg

Death Trooper - SN03

Senior Gamemaster

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