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SCP-3195 | The Matching Box (New SCP)


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Item: SCP-3195

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3195 is to be kept in a small case in a 5 meter by 5 meter, or bigger, room at all times with level 3 or higher access required. All forms of SCP-3195-1 are to be kept in a separate case. Personnel are not to enter the room except for testing, in which case, D-Class personnel would be used to ensure the safety of our scientists. If SCP-3195 starts shaking, both cases are to be opened remotely after all personnel are removed. When SCP-3195-1 enters its correct slot, SCP-3195 is not to be observed for at least an hour.

Description: SCP-3195 takes the shape of a toddler's block matching box, and all forms of SCP-3195-1 take the shape of its blocks. When a form of SCP-3195-1 is entered into SCP-3195 through the slot that the block matches, all living, organic matter, and anything the organic matter directly touches, in a 5 meter radius, disappears. Some believe that each form of SCP-3195-1 transports you to a different dimension. Seemingly at random, SCP-3195 will begin to shake violently. A form of SCP-3195-1 will then try to enter its correct slot. If there is anything in its way, the obstacle will be destroyed. No known means are able to keep SCP-3195-1 from entering SCP-3195's slots. If it enters its hole, all living, organic matter in a 5 meter radius disappears. SCP-3195 was located in the rural town of [REDACTED], [REDACTED]. SCP-3195 and all forms of SCP-3195-1 were recovered by the SCP Foundation and taken to Site-[REDACTED] where it remains today.

Edited by DankMemeFox
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